Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Dignity of Women in Philosophy of Science and Religion

In my quest to unlock the keys to mental freedom in philosophy of mind, science and religion, a theory of cognitive development in science has been the historical rationale of the dignity of  women and their consensus in religion . Philosophy is demanding to know how is it that to this day and age,  man has openly disregarded the value of women in all aspects of development, until in the late 1500's, a century following the beginning of slavery and discoveries-- the world began empowering women to this day. It will even be a plus for you to know that it was a woman who had persuaded men during the Berlin Conference led by the German Chancellor,  Ottovon Bismark to end slavery at the scrambling for and partitioning of Africa --- should she not, slavery would have been still in existence; but it has not even ended-- there is mental slavery going on, and commercial slavery in some parts of Africa and the world at large; where certain women, children and migrants are captured and sold into slavery unjustly.

Taking a journey into the library of  early creation-- it will be religiously suitable to state that Awa ( Eve in Christianity ) was not the least selfish with the apple she has eaten under the influence of Iblis ( Lucifer or Satan)- this marked the beginning of civilization from post-creation of man; who was later sent down on earth to be tested-- are you not being thrilled that while they were in heaven; they have never seen each other's private part, although , there were no clothes then;  but that is because of the attribute of God having said to His angels that He'll create man in His image, and raise him above all His Creations-- the dignity that God has given to us as human beings, have made them lived in heaven for years without seeing each other's nakedness. It will be hilariously funny and intellectually inappropriate to state that civilization started in Egypt some 5000 years ago, just like I've said that let us say Mungo Park was the first whiteman to explore the River Nile, but he did not discover it; the river was there before Mr. Park was born, and other scholars indicated that the first civilize human being was a Whiteman, who later during the age of slavery had influenced Africans by given them clothes in exchange for our golds, diamonds, etc, thus, marking the civilization of Africans.

Actually, the first civilize human being on earth was a woman, Awa ( Eve) the wife of Adam; from whom we all originated from creation. Had it been that Eve had not convinced Adam to eat the forbidden fruit-- women would have been the only civilize people on earth. The word wisdom is a divine gift measured in the similitude of light ( Nur), which as an attribute of God in one of His 99 names call "Al-Hakim," The Wise; it can be said that Adam and Eve were living in paradise nakedly without clothes -- but an attribute of God call wisdom in translucent light by an act of obedience to their Lord, have served as their clothes to cover their nakedness during their stay in paradise-- until the day they disobeyed God (Allah) ; that was when they first saw each other's private parts, and out of ingratitude had unplugged leaves of trees to cover their shame hopelessly . That was the beginning of cilivization my dear reader.

 Having lost their divine veneer of patrician civility, man regained conciousness through the overall dignity of women. Have you ever wondered as to why is it that there is no complete surah ( chapter) in the holy Bible or Quran, call surah Men, or in Arabic,  should we say Al Rojal, Men ( meaning the plural of Rajol, Man). But we have a whole Surah in the Quran referring to Women, chapter 4 of the Glorious Quran is call An-Nisaa, or The Women. This is to dedicate the undeniable dignity of women and their divine importance on earth and in the hereafter, both in religion, science and status.

Have you not heard about the story of Esther,  Ruth, Mary, and others in Christianity?  Do you know that of all the messengers and prophets God had sent to us-- there was no female prophet or messenger, but it was women who made them attained their goals and had firmly established them on the lane of their mission. Who was the first person to accept Islam? Was it not a woman?  Why did God create Awa ( Eve) from the rib of Adam? Because a man alone without a woman in his life is religiously and divinely incomplete.

" The world is a place of transient enjoyment; but the best of provision on this earth is having a righteous wife ", Hadith number 280 of Imam Al-Nawawi, from ( Muslim). Religiously, God Himself has given religious bonus added on the free-will we're sharing with women, by exempting them from fasting or praying during mensuration and so on-- why are men not exempted from such during puberty, etc ? Today on earth, women have been made cheaper than commodities in the market of silence, and are being use as sexual tools in all publicity of products, social media, in advertisements , businesses, films, etc, and they are being publicly abused, beaten, raped, cheated, degraded, discriminated, underestimated and reduce to nothing-- they have suffered the indignity of unremembered graves ,  ineptitude and immeasurable brutality.  Who are women? From my intellectual thoughts-- "WOMEN " means womb of and for men; that is to say we are from women and they born for us-- and so, if men don't have the womb to born women; we cannot say " rib-men" but women were created from the rib of men; logically, women are divinely honorable gifts from ALLAH ( God) given to men to be treated with dignity and justice for the rest of their lives.

Not to intersect your thoughts on the busiest traffic of intersection-- the Bible tells us in Proverbs chapter 30 verse 31: " charm is deceitful and beauty is passing; but a woman who fears thy Lord, she shall be praised." During the last sermon of prophet Muhammad  ( S.A.W), one of the things he had strongly emphasized was to be kind to Women, and treating them fairly. The Holy Quran and Bible are full of chapters and verses directly talking about the dignity of women, their rights, treatment, etc. For example chapter 60 of the Holy Quran is Al-Mumtahana or The Woman to be Examined; and surah Maryam ( Mary) chapter 19. One of the most respected and best writers on earth is not only Shakespeare or anyone else-- but also Aissa ( R.A), wife of the prophet ( S.A.W). As if this reminds us about Hinlu Bin Uthuba, the wife of Abu Shufiyan ( May Allah be pleased with both of them), who was one of the most influential women on earth; who first initiated women's bureau, women's rights, etc, and had been seen as a great woman in Islamic history. The wife of Pharaoh, Assiah  ( God be pleased with her) ; she was a pious woman who had immensely contributed in Islam and had died an honorable death, despite her husband being the worst man on earth. In the next world, I want to be a woman and I respectfully wish to salute and dedicate this piece to all women on earth-- my mother, including all of you: my mothers, grandmothers,  sisters, nieces, aunties, step-mothers, etc. You're all best of women on earth. Without women, the world is nothing but a library without books; a world without nations, and a living body without a soul.

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