Friday, August 31, 2018

Commonwealth Youth Award 2019 NOMINEE for The Gambia

Having learned of the call for nominations for this year's Nominations for 2019 Commonwealth Young Person of the Year.

The Young Writers' Association of The Gambia ( YWAG) is writing to endorse a highly suitable individual, (Miss. Satang Dumbuya) as the NOMINEE for The Gambia.

In many ways exceeding the challenging requirements and expectations for the award, Satang Dumbuya's ambitions, intelligence, and accomplishments complement precisely the stellar community of past recipients and make her highly deserving of the honor and opportunity bestowed by the (Nominations for 2019 Commonwealth Young Person of the Year).

To further support this nomination, we would be pleased to have you visit the link below; register and nominate Miss. Dumbuya for the Commonwealth Youth Award 2019.

 We need your nominations to bring the prize to The Gambia Our Homeland.


"Hello everyone, my name is Satang Dumbuya, I am 24 years old and an enthusiastic young lady passionate about seeking solutions to various issues in our communities and country at large. I have been in activism for more than a dozen years. I have led and still leading organizations that are doing extremely well aiming at achieving the SDGs.

I am currently studying Law at the University of The Gambia ( UTG) as I aspire to become a Peace and Conflict Resolution Expert, working with and for people.
I have led series of life changing events and has successfully contributed in mentoring, teaching, sensitizing and educating people in addressing issues such as Women, Youth and children empowerment and involvement in decision making processes which happened to be my platform through which I won The Face of Beauty Gambia 2018.

Through my dedication and commitment in youth work as an activist, and my efforts in achieving the SDGs, I have also won the award of the Best Participant for the Voice Of The Youth Competition 1st Edition recently held in The Gambia, in 2018.

I seek your support in nominating me for this life changing award."

|| Annuit Coeptis || "The sugarcane will never be salty even if it grows on a salty land. So, your life would always be sweet whatever the ingredients your enemies will put in it. My special wishes for you." Kindly visit my Mobile-Friendly Author Website on this link : http://www.modoulaminagealmusafsowe. All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright.

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