INTERVIEWER: Sir, can you kindly tell us your name?
ME: My names are: Modou Lamin Sowe, known by my penname Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe, and my nickname ML, or ML Sowe.
INTERVIEWER: How old are you and what's your nationality?
ME: I am a Gambian citizen, and exactly 28 years old this year.
INTERVIEWER: Mr. Sowe, what's your greatest pain and regret in life?
ME: ( Silent for a while)... I must admit that no one has ever asked me this question before. However, my greatest pain in life is the test of religion; meaning, battling with forces that I can see alone and to some extent, I believe some other good servants of God and strong-headed people can see too. These are forces whose goal is to take me out of my religion and believe in what's not right in order to be successful in this world and in my career as a writer. They have been following me for a very long time now--, but with the help of God, I'll never accept their religion. And my greatest regret is that I had grannies who were all traditional healers and used to cure people affected by demon spirits and did cure mentally sick people. Sadly upon their death, the genies and demons they've fought battles with had to revenge on me as their grandchild who must take over this profession. I've already started curing people using the Holy Qur'an in my former school Masroor Senior Secondary School, but with the advise of my father; I decided to stop it.
INTERVIEWER: Who are they? I mean I know you're talented and the Secret Society, meaning Satan and his agents always go after people like you. We all know that to be something in this world-- you must be part of something.
ME: YES, I know I am talented. But I rather die poor than accept being a MEMBER of the Illuminatti. I have been consistent enough about my work as a writer for so long now, without caring about fame or wealth. I do it for God Who gave me an inexplicable talent for a reason.
INTERVIEWER: What's your dream?
ME: To get marry and have kids, go to Hajj in Mekka, feed the poor, live a simple life and to die a Muslim.
INTERVIEWER: Meaning you're not married ( laughs) I thought you're already married and now a father.
ME: Actually, I am not married yet. I've been trying to do that for the past three years--but maybe those I met are not meant for me, or that Allah want things to go wrong before they're right. My last relationship ended in January 2018, after my 28th BIRTHDAY. Since then, I chose to live a life without women and focus more on my career.
INTERVIEWER: Can you tell us something about your past relationship? I mean who in their right senses would not want to have a very kind, down to earth, honest, clean-hearted and intelligent man like you as a husband?
ME: You won't understand because I am the principal matter here. Aren't I? I respect you for that. I would prefer you refrain me from talking about that considering the unbreakable respect I have for my past relationship and the family involved. Despite all what happened; God is the Judge and sees everything. I am very happy with the life I am living now. It makes me concentrate more on my work and studies and actually have less to think about. I prefer working hard and proof people wrong than dating and playing around with women. I am too honest and God-fearing a man to be known for that. When it's time, God will make it easy for me to marry without any difficulty. In this world, there's someone for everyone.
INTERVIEWER: An intelligent answer from an intelligent young man ( laughs). We'll give you a pious wife who knows what it means to have a husband like you; and can understand why your life turned bitter because of your faith in God. To be the soldier of God, you must be ready to fight the hardest battle. Can you tell us something about your books.
ME: I wrote many titles and still writing. I've already written three new titles; but I am rewriting them. I don't want to take my wisdom to the grave that's why I write.
INTERVIEWER: And most of what you write teaches about goodness and the whole truth. I've been following your blog since last year; I don't know if the world is following what you write. It's a form of preaching and mainly exposes the Illuminatti. Since when has this demon spirits started affecting your life. When I visited your office and library, I saw you reading the Qur'an instead of writing. And I also noticed that while on-board to Cotonou, Benin, you were still busy reading the Qur'an, can you tell us something about it.
ME: Well, the demon spirits have been affecting my life since I was 7 years old. The Holy Quran was given to me by my father who ordered me to read it. It's my number ONE source of inspiration; so I always read it before I start writing a new book, and also like carrying it with me anywhere I go.
INTERVIEWER: I know most writers make thourough researches before they write; but I can attest that yours defer and it's a gift. So how long does it takes you to finish a new book?
ME: A maximum of one month and a minimum of two or three weeks. It also depends on the type of book in question to be written.
INTERVIEWER: Unbelievable! Mr. Sowe, what's your take on terrorism and Islam in this tense moments?
ME: Nobody can frustrate God neither can tricks work on Him. The way the world is actually seeing Islam because of tricks being played and employed by the forces of the Illuminatti to welcome and hand over the world to the awaited Antichrist, has made the religion of Islam to be seen as bad and associated with wars. But Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. I know all have been already prepared to hand over the world to the Dajjal ( the Antichrist ) to rule the world; but one thing they cannot overcome: is the return of Isà ( Jesus) and the final Imam of our time who'll rule this world with justice. It's going to be though - but man cannot fight God. In this world, those who actually tell the truth have no friends; what people nowadays want to hear and do like is lies. I am very sure that many people know what I am talking about-- but they still deny the truth. I don't write to impress anyone or looking for fame-- but I write because I cannot take my knowledge to the grave. Unlike 950 years of prophet Noah's mission calling people to embrace the right religion and accept God as their Creator-- only earned him 80 followers for good 950 years. Sub'hanallah. The world is now 1439 years following the Isamic Calendar. Clear-headed people should know that in every 1500 years; God normally send a prophet or a religious reformer. Now that no other prophet or messenger will come, 61 years from now the world will be 1500 years.
INTERVIEWER: Thank you very much Mr. Sowe for the interview and for your time. I like your eloquence and the way you moderate yourself. You're very down to earth to the extent that it's hard for someone to easily know you by looking at the way you dress and act. We're honored to have you for this interview.
ME: You're most welcome. Accept my gratitude. All thanks and praises be mentioned to Allah Alone.
|| Annuit Coeptis || "The sugarcane will never be salty even if it grows on a salty land. So, your life would always be sweet whatever the ingredients your enemies will put in it. My special wishes for you." Kindly visit my Mobile-Friendly Author Website on this link : http://www.modoulaminagealmusafsowe. All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright.
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