Thursday, December 6, 2018

10 Reasons Why Gambian Women Are The Best

Talking about RELATIONSHIPS, SPOUSES, and PARTNERS, let's pretend soulmates are real. If you were to find yours, what would you do if they're poor, currently unemployed, have no career, and/or is a single parent-- or all of the above? Would you still choose them?

It's an undeniable fact that most women love money, but with Gambian women, this notion is not a motion to bring about commotions in marriages or relationships.

Here Are Some Solid Reasons to Justify That Gambian Women Are The Best

Satang Dumbuya


Knowing that there is no true love without trust, neither can there be any relationship without it, nor does a mere friendship exists without trust; honesty is vital to any successful marriage or relationship. Couples build trust in healthy relationships by being honest with each other, communicating often, and learning how to fight fairly. Gambian women keep promises and are trustworthy. With them, you will learn how to keep promises, be yourself, and show how much you love and appreciate each other.

Often women have doubts about their husbands/dates and find it difficult to trust them, but Gambian women rather seek counseling and don't engage in activities like infidelity or spying. They don't lie and when they love, they love for real. They are the most honest human beings on planet earth.

name withheld


You cannot love a dog and hate its tail. With the growing number of women in the world, women nowadays find it very difficult to be in mere relationships, much more to getting married. There is no true love or marriage- and relationships of nowadays ard6 full of distrust or disrespect, leading to a lack of true love and understanding; but with Gambian women, LOVE is who they are: and they are the most loving, caring, and understandable women of all times. Even when you break their hearts, argued, or cheated them - they'll love you more because they know men are all cheaters and for them to have the better ones, they pick wisely and don't love for money, positions, or looks. They love with all their hearts and listen with all their ears.

I am even thinking of setting a LAW that has it that any man who breaks a Gambian woman's heart, should be jailed for six months with hard labor. Lol

Gambian women try in different ways to demonstrate how much they care for you. They are so romantic and know their onions, they die to show you their love in all ways and how much they love you, cheering you up when you're feeling doubtful, and telling you they're sorry when things go wrong. They trust in your capabilities and protect and provide for those they love. They let you know that they believe in your talents and skills and are supportive of you. They encourage you where you lack courage, and show you that you're the most meaningful to them.

name withheld 


Let me begin by telling you that the word UNDERSTANDING should have contained the letter GW, meaning Gambian women to show you without them; the world will be dark and boring.

No wonder, the Chief Prosecutor of the ICC, is a Gambian woman who signifies how understandable Gambian ladies are. They don't argue unnecessarily nor disobey men, nor do they talk back at you or insult you. They rather add their anger in their soup pots by making it delicious for your meal even if that means adding a whole bag of salt, than fight with their dates/ husbands. They have class and dignity. They'll never fight physically but they fight you with all their love and show you how much they value themselves. Gambian women value their virginity more than anything else - - and can control themselves before marriage.

This has value and creates a balance between the women who are generally more emotional and in touch with their feelings.

One of the ways Gambian women can show that they understand you are by committing to talk daily together. Due to their understanding, they appreciate everything. Gambian women will never see a hungry man or allow a man to go broke because their hearts are so rich in love.

name withheld


Men like to be patted on the back. One way to do this is by encouraging them often. Rather than annoying them, Gambian women make sure that you know you are a good man/husband; they appreciate you for your humor and hard work and thank you for how you take care of them and the family.

They don't hurt you or engage in anything you dislike that can wake your anger. They are concerned about your health and safety, they're understandable and have superficial characteristics.

They are obedient when seeing your flaws and love you anyway and anyhow. Learning how they can accept you for who you are. They drive you to fetch your comfort at its zone, letting humanity with being different from others judge their actions. Committing to agree to disagree in arguments. Letting go when it comes to different activities, opinions, or political issues.

Ya Ida Jobe


They know how to apply and where to learn or earn the best ways to manage stress and negativity in your life. They avoid sorrow and problems at their least expectations and give you joy to their best.

If you are tired, they involved themselves in something that can take away your discomfort, or just generally chat you up. They are chatty sometimes, considering expressing themselves in additional ways to your friends, other family members, or through alternative ways like dancing, smiling, laughing, cooking,  art, chatting-or just simply staring at you.

Fatoumatta  Jallow


Gambian women respect their men in all forms and in anything- that is why they are not only the best- but give birth to men and women who are/ and will be the best in anything in this world. A loving and memorable marriage starts with respect. One of the best ways a Gambian woman can show her man/husband that she loves and respects him is by actively listening to him when he talks, and not interrupting him. They also avoid making any negative comments about your thoughts and opinions. Being considerate of your upcoming plans; generally being positive, thankful, and considerate of your wants and needs.

Aminatta Sowe


Gambian women are the cleanest human beings ever to be created. They smell good, dress well, and know how to take care of themselves even with or without money. They choose a moment to re-energize, regroup, and reconnect with themselves. They can cook very well, and they are good home-makers. Can take care of the family, and always clean.



Marrying or having a Gambian woman means that hopefully, you can say that your wife/date is not only your lover but also your best friend. They stay being BEST friends and companions with you throughout the years, that you find ways to make quality time to be together and have new experiences with them all the time.

Marrying them means marrying your best friend: also, it means being mindful of how you talk to each other, not taking  each other for granted, and making small sacrifices to please each other. They use kind words, show their gratitude for you daily, and choose to do whatever you like.


Please permit me to mention my appreciation to all the exceptionally brilliant,  highly ambitious, caringly industrious, kindly modest, ever praise-worthy and undeniably beautiful Gambian women who have chosen to send me their classic pictures for this blog post.


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