Friday, January 5, 2018

A Letter Poem to African Leaders ( Modern African Protest Poem 2018)

                                                   Voice of the Pen
                                                   The Blogger on the Den,
                                                   15 May, 2016.

All my Readers,
African Leaders,
On all Social Media
Except Wikipedia,
 Dear Sir/Madam,
                                Modern African Protect Poem 2018

Excellencies: Happy New Year!

Your Excellency Sir/ Madam,
Have you not kindly
To the whispers of black bees:
Innocently jailed in hives,
Matter of lives.

We heard you banned use of hard drugs,
To get rid of useful African thugs;
Yet, the African headache not faded.
In the tongue of lies, honor upgraded,
From our leaders we trust,
Whose heart's metal of sight is corrupt. Sir,
Destroyed is our soil,
And our continent spoil.

Have you no shame?
For the blame.
Tell my readers, my writer's address,
Rhymes with my receiver's headress
For writing what's never written,
Like Jordan and Pippen.

Africa is crying,
For the naked sauce of political insult frying
In the pan of silence,
For over paying rent in Pence
In foreign lands,
With ECOWAS and AU hands.

When unity can't bid us together,
Climate Change raped our weather.
This letter heals?
Perhaps, failed trade deals.
Wole Sonyinka was jailed twice,
Nelson Mandela for 27 years, so as rabbit and a mice?

In vain the dead must weep
For our wet pants dried in the sun
Under United Nation's house of fun
For making you shame buttons on
For the battles never won,
But Your Excellency Sir/ Madam,
You had a little too much to bring
And no sense of a king.
We are yet to see another Mandela,
But watching another Cinderella.

                                                                   Yours Sincerely,
                                                                   Signed:                                                                           The Voice of the Pen.

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