Tuesday, January 9, 2018

My Love Goes By (A Poem)

By the river as it fluctuates to its banks
By the rain as it washes the earth
By the snow as it freezes
By the sky as it claps among the clouds
By the heart of men in trust and love
By politicians as they lie and steal
By leaders as they lead in lies
By the women who born
By newborns as they are born,

By the flowers as they turn into fruits
By the trees as they born new leaves
By the fire as it burns
By everything that goes round and turns
By the mountains as they stand
By sugar and salt
By chocolates and sweets
By all the animals in the jungle
By the insects and insecticides
By pest and diseases
By hunger and poverty,

By the holy books and their content
By writers as they write
By the scientists as they discover
By economics as they economize
By religion as religious as it's
By the riches and the poor
By the scholars as they teach
By the painters as they paint
By literature and nature
By history, the present and the past
By music as it entertains
By dancers as they dance
By the thunder and lightning
By the tornados as they strike
By the dead and the living.

When the moment has passed,
When the beginning was the moment,
When men were men;
When the children were children-
When there was shame:
When women were women,
There is No deity worthy of Worship but ALLAH  ( God ).

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