Saturday, January 27, 2018

JESUS WILL COME ( A Religious Poem )


Lying into the sea of blood
Drenched with blindness
Harmed and bleeding
Where the sleeping slept
Embracing my sweet-sweat
Bombs just dropped
Destroying global crops
Thugs of pains at it again
Drifting the time over the lane
Flying around in a plane
Like a dream of bugs
Racing in atoms
Bees of wars
Sting the anus of chiefs
Kept in hives
Steal not the honey
To earn the money
The Mahdi is coming
 Jesus too is coming
Who else is coming?
The Antichrist;
For his arrival drives
Flew Israel to where the flies fly
To ruin Syria where the pliers ply

Seek the true seeker
Do not believe in The Legend of The Seeker
The seal of the seer
Chew not the meat of a deer
Throw your bottles of beer
Smoke no more for the noon
Wake up for the moon sighted
A crescent of frivolity
Co- meddled with forks of plates
Played full of tasteless food
The war to establish good
To which I speak, I differ
To a global concern, I refer
Peace I prefer, sorry I'm far
The death of those with wisdom
To raid the kingdom
Scared the film of my king-kong
Mumbling from rumbling
Rung tumbling humbling
Bordered my bumbling
Sorry if I'm bungling.


Welcome the final leader of our time
This poem is mine
People are scared of the truth
And hate truth-tellers
But love fortune tellers
This shrine is God
The known should inform the unknown
For the cry of onions
Sliced with a knife of life
Affecting lives for strives
Superstitions rule for years
The Turks and the Kurds
To all the wisdom in the world
Tell them the Mahdi is around
It's to you I call
You, we've been waiting for
Come to the son of Mary, the guided one
Come rain, come rain
Free the animals in the zoo
Sing the lyrics of the scriptures
God has seen your silence
Silent for long
Not you're not strong
But waiting for Jesus
To whom you must lead this poem
Let science lie
Tell religion what is right
Break the bones of darkness
Spread the light
Save my soul the rain
Cry me the gates of destruction
For a war afar
Set like a star over the sky
God knows why.

Tell the ignorant why I write
Death will die
When it's due to cry
Cry men the sea of sorrow
From near and afar
Nearer is a day tomorrow
The saints are not far
Jesus is near
The truth is one
For the lie, we can't bear
Witnessing bad deeds done
 Representing these letters
For the unlettered
Numbered in lies and ignorance
Hear the sound, alarmed like a clock
For a concrete human block
The first horn has been blown
Sounded to take the lives of all good people
So that the earth will be filled with chaff
And evil will prevail
True wisdom will derail
Turn verses to lectures
For the ugly vultures 
Oblivion of the human crocodile
Living in the Nile
These holy ants are all liars
And these learned lizards are deceitful
Adding to the lie
They can't subtract me
I'll never be equal
Dress like a Muslim
But act not even Christian
And I just sold a copy to a reader
I think her name was kinda like
Katy Kate Johnson
Or Kate Katy Johnson
Met her in a dreamlike land
Taught by my pen to understand
 Dying in the rain
 Remembered and forgotten.

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