Saturday, January 13, 2018

Did I not Say ( A Poem of Condemnation )

Did I not say:
As evil governs the night,
The dawn will forsaken the light?
Did I not say they are ruling the world?
They, the 'Illuminati' (Baphomet);
Who thinks inhuman,
Sees every man a woman:
And a woman as a mad man;
Amongst them is Zeeman.
I heard that Zeeman causes a global plight,
To show he's a knight,
I heard screams of  fright;
Sounded so strange last night.

I heard the responses and screams,
Brought Africans so much creams.
I heard there's an evil aspirant,
Who hates Muslims and immigrants:
Now has turned to Africans,
Did he understand Afrikaana?
I heard African leaders got hurt so deep,
For things they can't  keep.
The news is widespread on the press,
 For knowing who's Zeeman;
He's this very ripe man, who looks like a pawpaw,
Like a dog,  who barks howl howl.

Did I not say:
Some nightmares can be real,
But this one is very surreal.
I heard a broken voice-
Pounded a temperamental noise,
Sobbing for a lack of choice:
Knowing our leaders failed us.
Striken a matchstick from a land far off
Bargained in the market of absurdity ,
As the fire sparks,
Burning the beauty of Zanzibar Forest,
 Crashing against the fence of global division-
 Mountains speak to a fortress,
For owning this distress,

Pounded by a remarkably nice indecent speech
Blurred by the speaker of pride,
Who thinks whatever he does is right:
Tell him,
In the garden of fear there's now courage!
We drink both champagne and porridge,
Our crowns responded to this rash;
Spoken by a tycoon who owns some plenty cash.
Africa, the home of tyrants and might:
The zoo of elephants and ants,
Our forest echoes with wild animals;
We sleep on trees and dress in leaves,
For sting of bees,
We fear not peas.

We heard this justification,
With a high condemnation.
Our leaders of error heard vocal expressions,
Through airwaves echoing into our ears.
Did you hear?
What just happened this year?
An inhabitant of the supernatural,
Who lives in this world as natural,
He's a president now-
Don't ask me how?
Have you not heard he's chosen to prevent?
Of course, prevent, the Third World War?
But he's causing it.

He stirs trepidation and dismay,
This butterfly now declares himself a bird,
He's provoked the ants,
Defined us as prostitutes;
And think we're termites.
After escaping a fight,
He nearly ate a North Korean sauce,
Will he taste that soup?
He's no nuclear button on his desk,
Only open his shirt to show his chest;
The forest of the world has a nuclear desk,
Just one button to press:
Ballistic missiles as home address.

Call the animals to join this feast-
For the constellation of a beast,
 Our seas are armed with ships of sailors
African workshops are now sewing factory of clothes
Our rivers flow to their banks:
Our leaders failed our crops;
But now, the land failed our efforts.
We're rather too determined to proof you wrong,
To show that we're strong-
 Tell your master (Satan) that evil shall perish,
That power rules power:
That information is liberation-
And we're a united continent of nations.
Darkness can't extinguish this light,
The present us have the might,
To show you that:
Our leaders are productive gardeners of infertility
Whose ignorance leads to this insensitivity .

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