Tuesday, June 26, 2018


If I Were A Girl:
No man will touch my breast
I'll not wear a bra and don't need an iPhone
That will make my breast strong and smell like an old lady
I'll look young and intelligent like Mariama Willams
My lips will be just too resilient
My curves will be all curved at their right curves
Only my husband will suckle from my breast
My children can go drink water
Water is meant for them
See me see hoodies and hot pants
But, I'll veil my head, I beg!

If I Were A Girl:
I'll only fall for ML
And fall in love with ML
Only he understands my body
I'll not wear perfume quite often
Bcoz I smell sweet and delicious
My eyes will be so ablaze and flirting
I will wash my pants daily bcoz dreams can make them dirty
Won't I be very sexy in a white towel?
Tell me, Sarjo Saidykhan, how will I look in a black blouse
Complemented with a pink-heel and pink short-skirt?
How about my cat walk?
Will Nelson Mandela fall for me? 
I'm flattered!
Oh really, me, ML rek ci halleh, hana Ya-Ida Jobe
I know my onions and can get any man I want.

If I Were A Girl:
I want to have eyes like Beyonce
Breast like Kim Kardashian
Height like Rihanna
Voice like Adele
Bottoms like Nicki Minaj
Walk like Nadia Buhari
Cook like Asiatou Bah
And then slim like Halima Touray.
Won't I kill a battalion of soldiers when I pass them by?
Will Wayne fall for me?
Imagine seeing me in pink or white tiers?
Would you like to touch my hips?
I'll fry you chips
I won't fix my nails all by myself
My husband can do that.

If I Were A Girl:
I'll be the cure to all madmen
When I visit the psychiatric center
Madmen who place their hands on me
I'll know they're not mad and want something.

If I Were A GIRL:
Moyen, haarlen ma laka Wolof yu sett;
Holal, damai defarr bem bakh
Tehci taabakh beh ci kaw
Suma nyullai balai danel yow Lady ML Sowe
Maima suma jamma,
Randul dama yakamti,
Suma don jigeen; damai sanseh ak churai ni Tanta Fatou
Bolehci firr ni Mr. Fatou
Teh holal, baah ni Ya-Fatou Sowe

If I Were A Girl:
I'll not date anyone
I'll only date presidents bcoz they're not hot
Their wives are not also romantic
I'll always have at least six chapsticks stocked up
I will never buy cheap jeans
And won’t chase boys
I'll treat my hair with wrinkle spray and a hairdryer
Spend a little extra money on my makeup
Get a nice strapless or “sticky bra”
Never neglect painting my toenails
I'll never chew my gum
Can pull off the red lipstick and rock it off in my dreams with ML
We will have three types of wardrobe: 
One for pants and hoodies only
Two: for kitties and pieces of jewelry
Three: for all types of dresses
I'll go shop at TJ Maxx and Marshalls

If I Were A Girl:
I'll wear “boob tape” with strapless dresses
I won't need 20 candid photos of me
Pulling up my dress on the dance floor at a formal event
I'll dance my hottest to my husband in our bedroom
Turn my house into a club, take the children to bed, and be my DJ
Will my husband like Jaliba Kuyateh's songs?
What about "Sabarr"?
Then, if he hates all
I can play any Surah from the Quran
We perform ablution, pray and sleep separately
I'll dress my husband myself and give him time to go to work, and time to close from work
Do you think my husband will be mad enough to get a second wife?
Man niiro nala kui am wujah?
Are you looking at me very well sah yow?
I'll kill him and add my name on the Guinness Book of World Records.

If I Were A Girl:
I'll be a good mother
Raise my daughter
Eat elderly cake and butter, and then wash boxers.
I'll never cry went giving birth
Bcoz my husband will be pregnant for me
That's to show how much I'll love him
I'll never feel the pain of mensuration
Will get a microwaveable heat pad
Use my calendar on my phone for reminders
I'll have too many pairs of underwear
Buy as many as I want
Take bubble baths
Look natural in photos and smile with my teeth
Care for my skin
Be dark and pretty like Amie F. Jeng
And beautiful like Mariatou Bah
I won't carry handbags anywhere I go
I'll carry only my lipstick to take any good husband who's heart-broken

If I Were A Girl:
Only I will recognize a husband from a date
They are not the same, ladies.

Note: this poem was inspired by this photo. The poet, Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe, brings back old memories of his past in this romantically hilarious poem by mentioning names of some of his former students at Masroor Senior Secondary School, etc.

He also cited notable friends and well-wishers such as Halima Touray, Asiatou Bah, etc. 

Kindly visit my Mobile-Friendly Author Website on this link : http://www.modoulaminagealmusafsowe. doodlekit.com/home All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Fortune-Telling, Faith, and Belief In Philosophy of Religion ( Religious Paper )

In this world of deception and political and religious divide, women, youth and children are the most vulnerable to any kind of vulnerability that comes along our way in this life journey of no return. We're in the "Times" when the "FACT" is hardly distinguish from the "TRUTH", a time when "POLITICS" and "RELIGION" are inseparable, and finally, we're in the" TIME" both the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran had long prophecized hundreds of thousands of years ago.  Sometimes in this wicked world,  those who know,  knew not, and the ignorant, actually knew what the learned haven't learnt at all. No one is perfect- we're all mortals; and we're bound to make mistakes in life.  Man has "free-will" to either believe or disbelieve in God or anything else. Thus,  the reason God had sent us hundreds of messengers and prophets from ourselves to serve as reminders and warners to us.  Even in real-life,  the law must try and found someone guilty before they're jailed.  But let me remind you that there's a great difference between "GUILT" and "CRIMINALITY ", and  also there's  a great difference between  " ACCUSATION" and " Truth-telling", equally, there's  just one great line between the " LAW",  "LAW-INTERPRETERS",  and  the " ACCUSED".   In my school of philosophy, a  guilty person might not be a criminal, and a criminal can also be innocent in law; likewise an innocent person can also be found guilty in law. Studying law doesn't mean you're a good lawyer, no one is above the law; neither is one's mother or father owns the law. Falling in love, being in love, or being in any relationship past or present is not a guranteed for marriage; before you fight someone you don't know; agreed you don't know them first. Just like there's a great difference between a rat and a rabbit, even though they share some similarities. No one falls from the sky, we all have families; and ALLAH has blessed each and every one of us very differently. ALLAH gave you beauty for a reason, just like exactly the reason why Allah gave someone else the gift of the pen ( meaning writing) for a reason. Don't take your personal matters to the law for thinking you study the law and can win any case; likewise, do not think you can play the law in your hands because your father is rich, is in power, or you think you have  enough evidences. Allah's evidence is FINAL! Evil stays for the night but it must just be ashamed and go no matter how long or perfect the starting is or can be. MARK MY WORDS! I'll be in The Gambia and let the whole world know I RETURN there in my country in peace. No one can fight GOD. Do not underestimate people- and no one is guilty unless found guilty.

Since 1500 years ago, it has been made indisputably very clear both in the Holy Bible and Holy Quran that there's no other prophet after Muhammad ( S.A.W).  Although- the Quran had further said, Isa,  meaning Jesus,  the son of Mariam or Mary is going to come down. This assertion shows Jesus don't die on the "Cross" but ascended to the heavens for REASONS best known to ALLAH Alone. And let no one ask me WHY.  For neither my father , nor my mother knows why.  All I can therefore tell you is that the authentic Hadiths of prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W) did inform us that the coming back of Jesus- is a major sign for the Day of Judgement- and that he will come to join forces with a very just leader of the world  ( the Mahdi),  in order to fight the rulership of the Antichrist ( Dajjal, the One-Eye).  Now I want to get started in SENEGAL, my second country of origin and one of the most religious Islamic countries in Africa. To add descriptions to the beauty of SENEGAL,  it's a country with millions of God- fearing people, geniuses of all kinds: being it in Music, football, talent,  theatre, etc. If any African do not tell you half of Africa's most intelligent people all come from- or are even presently in SENEGAL,  then the person don't want to say the TRUTH. But SENEGAL with all its blessings, geniuses, and religious people. Only ONE THING I personally don't like about that country.  I don't know if this applies to anyone of you. But from my own taste, I detest certain things having to do with RELIGION and BELIEVE in SENEGAL.

To give a concise description of what I want to say, people nowadays have succumbed to the minions of Satan and thereafter allow him to totally deviate us from the TRUTH.  In SENEGAL,  people worship the Marabous just like gods, and also do term them as prophets. As far as I'll be speaking from personal experience, let me tell you why I say so.  Firstly, I want you to know that there are THREE MAJOR RELIGIOUS SECTS in SENEGAL, all hiding under the banner of Islam, and they are:


Of course, there are other religious sects in Senegal, but these are the major ones. Let's look at them one by one.

1. MURITHDIYYA: This is a religious belief founded by Cheikh Ahmad Bamba,  commonly known as Serigne Bamba Touba. The religion is having its Temple in Touba, Senegal where all members pay hommage to Cheikh Ahmad Bamba every year- in an annual gathering known as Magal Touba.

2. TIJANNIAYYA : This is the third largest religious group in Senegal founded by Mame Da'bakh Sey, father of Serigne Mansour and Serigne Babacar Sey. This religion has its main Temple in Thiaone, Senegal.

3. THE NYASSENS: This is the second largest religious group in Senegal founded by Cheikh Ibrahim Niass, famously known as Baye Niass. The group has its roots and Temple in Kaolack,  Senegal  where they annnual gather just like described in number one and two.

Having briefly described all these three RELIGIONS for you and their founders, let me fear Allah and be very honest to you that I don't belong to any of these three groups, neither do I hate them, nor I am also saying or trying to say they are wrong--  or not following the right religion of Islam. I'm only against  one thing which is: THEIR MARABOUS, those they call SERIGNES in the Wolof language, and equally, term them to be prophets. That is wrong in Islam. Let me also inform all of you that my mother too likes the TIJANNIAYYA religion, and one will be correct to say she might be, but not TIJANNIAYYA.

But I am not TIJANNIAYYA,  neither do I oppose other religions in the entire world.  If not almost half of all the messengers and prophets of God have found their parents and grand-parent following what was totally wrong.  Therefore,   just like YOU who is reading this have your own will to choose any religion; I chose to be a Muslim, believe in only ALLAH ALONE, and all His books, prophets and messengers. I don't believe in any marabou but I don't also against all of them because not all of them are bad or wrong. Let me now give you a SITUATION where I was involved.  In 2016, while in Dakar, it was time for the annual gathering of the MURITHDIYYA RELIGION known as "MAGAL TOUBA",  when I saw everyone in our family-compound preparing for the event- I pretended sick. One of my cousins then approached me and said whether I'll be attending the event; before I could reply, my sister said since I was young,  I don't seem to like what they're following.  I told them actually, I don't hate it, but just that I have a different view of it. My cousin who is so fond of me then sat beside me and said: "Do you know if you attend this gathering even for once, no need to go to Mecca for Hajj ?"
Out of shock and furry, I choose to maintain silent, but later, I feared to be questioned on the Day of Judgment in front of everyone; so, I told him do you know BILAL IBN RABBAH? He said: "oh, YES. He was the first man to call  the "Adzan" ( call for prayers. )" I said Bilal is far more better than anyone in the religion you're following. He was silent for few minutes,  his eyes very red and yet- he managed to ask me why? I also nicely replied to him: because he was among the TEN NAMES mentioned by prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W) that ALLAH had guaranteed PARADISE to TEN PEOPLE while they were still alive- BILAL was one of them.  In conclusion, he wanted to fight me. I told him I don't mean to argue, but just saying what I think is right.

To be very honest here, I love Serigne Bamba Touba and all other Serignes in Senegal whether dead or alive, even the smallest "Talibé" ( student) at their Madrassah ( Quranic School) who have wisdom one million times more than me. I truly RESPECT them and agree 100% that they're genius and great people indeed. But for the rank of prophets and messengers, that one; I say NO to it. The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:8,  in the
New Living Translation that:

"This is what the LORD of Heaven's Armies, the God of Israel, says: "Do not let your prophets and fortune-tellers who are with you in the land of Babylon trick you. Do not listen to their dreams."

 Meaning the Marabous,  it might be that Satan knows very well that Serigne Bamba Touba and others were geniuses of GOD,  very pious people, and had been so knowledgeable; he waited upon their dead to go and mislead PEOPLE about them. Just think and see the senses in this non-sense you're  reading.  There's one great female Marabou in SENEGAL,  I just love her so much so that I even have her number in my phone as I write this. But recently,  when I watched her Video saying she saw Angel Gibril, honestly,  I don't doubt what she said, not out of respect at all.  She might be also very right and have her own REASONS too. But, I was thinking Angel Gibril or Gabriel in Christianity is only sent to prophets. But for those of you who will like to hear where she says this; click on this link:

Tounkara à Selbe Ndom : YALLA REUBEU NALA yaw Nék…:


Furthermore, the Bible says in  1 John 4:1 in the New International Version that "do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world to mislead men ."

Finally, I own my personal blog and write anything I feel like writing therein anytime. But that doesn't make me attack people, or accuse anyone about anything. I know very well not all my readers appreciate what I write; but I also know that in this last world; those who tell the truth have no friends because the truth hurts. A woman in SENEGAL once told me, if you're looking for a good husband or wife, go for the one that hurts you but loves you; and you both love each other. When I looked at the old woman and said in my heart: "Is this what she prays for me", then, I heard her added to me: "Because no Man is perfect and no Woman too is perfect. If you're looking for or waiting for that perfect guy in your life; you'll never marry.  The one you think is very  perfect will only show you his/her other side of imperfection after MARRIAGE not before MARRIAGE.  You only see the seed of the fruit after eating its outter-layer which is eatable. "When I was alone heading home, though, what she said hurts me. But I know it's the whole truth.  May God make us from those who can accept the truth no matter how painful its- and may Allah make us from among those who can see any evil plotted agaisnt us. Ameen!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Early Marriage ( A Poem)

There is a great difference between:
Money and love,
Choices and option,
Force and conviction;
Encouragement and persuasion,

Why didn’t you allow me to complete my secondary education?
Why were you carried away by money?
Can money buy Love?
My success is now retarded,
My time wasted, and my age escalated.

Don’t you have any conscience?
Me, your only daughter,
Why should I abandon a slave for a king?
That boy is the land-lord of my heart,
And the king of my kingdom;

Did you forget the bag of rice he bought for you?
Why not you belch his food?
Now that you have emptied his pockets,
Stranded his dignity and wealth;
Who next to curse?
You can’t separate two corpses in the same grave,
He alone I do love.

Why not you try to reason as usual?
Marriage has many pains,
And I am too young to dance with many sorrows,
What a suffering and pain do I have to undergo?
All in the nest of an early marriage.

Kindly visit my "Mobile-Friendly Author Website" on this link : http://www.modoulaminagealmusafsowe. doodlekit.com/home

 All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

AMEN ( A Poem)

Say Yes and Amen:

May prisons be empty, Amen!
The skies rain in plenty, Amen!
May the crops grow well, Amen!
May peace be peaceful, Amen!
May nowadays children be respectful, Amen!
May cheaters be exonerated, Amen!
Incomes be generated, Amen!
May queens be kings, Amen!
Married wives keep their rings, Amen!
May bad people die like an art-gallery,  Amen!
May male workers who date their secretaries lack salary, Amen!
May poverty be poor, Amen!
May God close the door of death, Amen!
Sins be forgiven, Amen!
Prayers be accepted, Amen!
The unmaried get marry,  Amen!
The married have a child to carry, Amen!
May departed souls rest in peace, Amen!
May peace prevail in the world, Amen!
May the Third World War be prevented, Amen!
May nations remain undivided, Amen!
May Africa never lack electricity,  Amen!
African banks to give free loans, Amen!
Hospitals give free treatments, Amen!
Education be free, Amen!
May women who abort their pregnancies be pregnant, Amen!
Their shame be repugnant, Amen!
May African farmers be rich, Amen!
And African presidents be poor, Amen!

May corruption be incorruptible , Amen!
May African fishermen be honorables, Amen!
May everyone be healthy, Amen!
Have long life and prosperity,  Amen!
May Christians love Muslims,  Amen!
And Muslims love Christians,  Amen!
May men be faithful , Amen!
And the ungrateful be grateful, Amen!
May our haters die before us, Amen!
May our gossipers be put to shame, Amen!
May betrayers be betrayed, Amen!
May those who never keep promises regret,  Amen!
May the Bible and Qur'an curse them, Amen!
May the seven skies curse them, Amen!
May the seas and every piece of sand curse them, Amen!
May all the messengers and prophets curse them, Amen!
May prostitutes be virgins,  Amen!
May politicians be honest,  Amen!
May African leaders keep their promises after elections, Amen
May liars tell the truth, Amen!
May those who want to see us fail themselves fail, Amen!
May Jesus come very soon, Amen!
May the Anti-Christ be recognized, Amen!
May the sick get well soon, Amen!
The blind gain sight,  Amen!
The deaf hear, Amen!
May Satan enter hell,  Amen!
May all his worshippers be burnt in hell,  Amen!
May the rich be able to give charity,  Amen!
May the arrogant be down to earth, Amen!
May pregnant women all deliver today, Amen!
May the pain of menstruation be less painful, Amen!
May labor be easy-going for pregnant women,  Amen!
May evil be exposed,  Amen!
May African police men stop accepting bribes, Amen!
May FBI's in films learn to come on time in scenes, Amen!
May Nollyhood stop acting porns, Amen!
May Hollyhood stop acting for Satan, Amen!
May the Whitehouse be black again, Amen!
May Jay Z marry Beyonce, Amen!
May there be one man one wife, Amen!
Just say Amen, are you saying Amen?

May lawyers stop lying,  Amen!
May the journalists tell the truth,  Amen!
May writers write for God, Amen!
May African leaders all develop their countries,  Amen!
May peace be in Jerusalem,  Amen!
May Libya have a new president, Amen!
May war stop in Africa, Amen!
May Donald Trump stop using Twitter, Amen!
May the blood of a seven-year-old child be revenged,  Amen!

May France have a black president, Amen!
May the Queen of England live long, Amen!
May all bad marabous die TODAY,  Amen!
May madmen be sane , Amen!
May jealous women don't have co-wives, Amen!
May Muslim men have more wives,  Amen!
May Christian men be faithful to their women, Amen!
May the next Pope be black,  Amen!
May I marry a wife this year, Amen!
May you get all you desire in life, Amen!
May illegal migration be legalized,  Amen!
May the white people remember they came to Africa illegally,  Amen!
May slavery be forgotten, Amen!
May mental slavery end,  Amen!
May Boko Haram be Boko Halal, Amen!
May ISIS sell ice-cream, Amen!
May peace be restored in Syria, Amen!
May tribalism end in Africa, Amen!
May hatred and jealousy leave Africa, Amen!
May Usain Bolt play football, Amen!
May Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry be best NBA Players, Amen!
May Real Madrid fans accept Barça is the best team ever, Amen!
May France and Saudi national teams have more white footballers, Amen!
May the blood of Ghaddafi and Sankara be revenged,  Amen!
May Africa have another Nelson Mandela, Amen!
May Ngozi Chimamanda Adechie win the Nobel Prize for Literature,  Amen!
May Malaria leave Africa and go anywhere,  Amen!
May our RAMADAN be accepted,  Amen!
Our wishes be granted,  Amen!
May widows be married,  Amen!
Widowers be unmarried, Amen!
May poor African women be empowered,  Amen!
May the voiceless be heard, Amen!
May men stop harassing women,  Amen!
May women love those who love them, Amen!
May hunger end in Africa,  Amen!
May The Gambia have a president who's not a member of the Illuminatti, Amen!
Are you still saying Amen?

May the resources in Africa be used to develop Africa,  Amen!
May the fake Christ be exposed,  Amen!
May there be a United States of Africa,  Amen!
May arm-robbers stop rubbing, Amen!
May the wrong be right, Amen!
May an African team win the 2022 World Cup,  Amen!
May someone help me tell "Regina Daniels" I think I like her, Amen!
May Saudi Arabia have an upright king, Amen!
May someone help me tell Drake,  Wayne and Tupac are the best rappers ever alive, Amen!
May someone help me tell Bob Marley he was the king of reggae, Amen!
May LeBron James know he'll never be Michael Jordan, Amen!
May my wife be Gambian or any other nationality, Amen!
May my in-laws know I'm their son-in-law, Amen!
May the world become a mono-linguistic entity, Amen!
May Arab me spoken in heaven, Amen!
May those who can't speak it speak English,  Amen!
May the UNHCR offices in Africa learn to be fair to refugees, Amen!
May you all live to see your grandchildren,  Amen!
May anyone who hates what I write, write something better, say Amen!
May you help yourself to accept my gift,  Amen!
May U.K. have a black queen, Amen!
May everyone accept what I write is true, Amen!
May your mouths be used to praise  Lord,  say Yes and Amen!

Kindly visit my Mobile-Friendly Author Website on this link : http://www.modoulaminagealmusafsowe. doodlekit.com/home All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

My New Books 2018-2019

Be subscribed to my Amazon page to make your ORDERS for my new titles 2018-2019. I started writing as early as at the age of 14, and have written alot of titles. Now preparing for publishing with international journals.

I've never attended any college or university to learn how to write; this is a natural talent! You can follow my Amazon page on the link below for my new books coming soon:


Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe ( 7 January 1990) is the author of the novels,  Don't Judge The Book By The Cover, The Memories of Reflection, The Refugees and The Mosquitoes, Love Incense, The Innocent Girl and Maimuna. He is also the author of three books of poetry, Temple of Wisdom, Voice of The Pen and Spit of Misery.  Author of five plays, The Leaders Who Ruined Africa and The Generation to Heal The Wounds, The Throne of The Ghost, The Unsociable Socialist, Knowing The Unknown Knowns and The Knowns Unknown, and An Island of Silence. He lives in The Gambia and never married.

A Novella

Collection of Poems

A Play 
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A Novel 
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Short Story

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A Novel 
A Play
Collection of Poems

Collection of Poems

A Novel


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A Play 

Kindly visit my Mobile-Friendly Author Website on this link : http://www.modoulaminagealmusafsowe. doodlekit.com/home All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Make Your Orders for The Throne of The Ghost And Earn A Gift-wrap

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 All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Get Your Image And Comment Publish On My Website

Greetings Dear Reader (s),
                                                If recognition was a musician like Akon, I send you a record, if writers were all like me: I send you myself  ( Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe. ) I want to tell you that I love you more than you can breathe.

Glad knowing I inspire thousands of readers across the world like you.

May I be personal with you,  I persistently insist that you humbly accept my profound gratitude. I would like to inform you that my "Author Website" has a section known as "Reader's Opinion", in the meanwhile, we are requesting for your honest comments/ impressions/ opinions about my work as a blogger , an author or a scholar.

I admire those already subscribed to my blog- and always reading anything I write. From the picture below, USA happened to register the highest number of people reading my work across the world. No matter who you're,  where you're from, and no matter how faraway you're from me. I want to say, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Is your chance to speak your mind about me-- good or bad, it will be highly appreciated and acknowledged accordingly.

We'll have your comments publish on my website, and entirely reserve the right to publish your opinion exactly as send/sent to us. In case you've ever read any of my books, papers, or blog posts, do not forget to mention this in your writeup, and tell us how it impressed or depressed you. This being said, we would need the following:

1. Keep your comments/ opinions/ impressions very brief in less than 30 words maximum.

2. Your comments/ opinions/ impressions should be written on a particular blog post or paper, any of my books, or either a poem, an article,  etc,-- which you've read, and it impresses you hugely no matter where you may be living.

3.  Send us any of your decent image (s)

You can send them directly to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com

Kindly visit my Author Website for more details to see what other people have already said and to see their images. Click on this link:


Yours Affectionately,
Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

 A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

My Author Website Is Ready: Visit To Shop My New Books

Since I was a young boy, I have been focused on working hard toward a
 successful career. 
After finishing high school in three years and graduating art school by age 23, 
I was on track to start climbing the literary ladder and finding success.
In reality, I felt burnt out and uninspired without having a true woman and true love I desire most in life. I worked a job in which I found no purpose. I surrounded myself with books and people who seemed unfulfilled in their jobs but nevertheless held on to them for stability and fear of trying something new. I was tired of working for people and wanted to work for myself.

Very soon, I lost my motivation, and with that, my work ethic. I knew I had to veer off the straight and narrow path that was laid out for me my whole life and take the plunge in pursuit of my passions. When liars lied, haters hated me and keep on hating and gossipers keep up the gossiping; I lay my trust in ALLAH and work hard. 

I wanted to use my legal skills to help people who can't help themselves (and thus also can't pay for the services I've given them). However, three-quarter of those ungrateful to me are those I helped in one way or the other only for the sake of God. I wanted to travel the world. I wanted to have time to pursue my dream (which I haven't really had time to do since I was in high school!). The problem was, none of these passions pay the bills. Or do they? Nothing falls down from the sky except it's rain. I came from nowhere and heading somewhere--from zero to being a hero. I encountered the greatest of challenges in life and suffered the most. Later, I was made to understand that God tests His strongest soldier with the hardest battle. 
To raise the noiseless voiceless pen I conceal, 
Don't perceive what I'm yet to reveal;
The dust is yet settled at the battle in the field
Beneath the wet streets of the mild,
I egg her- after silence; I was laid, 
  I'm waiting to see literary bills paid.
Till we meet again

 You're truly an exceptional woman that exceeded expectations... This is truly above and beyond.. No LOVE have I found to LOVE till death do me thou tears I cried for being dead.

Click on the link below to visit my Author Website:


A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

Friday, June 1, 2018

The Sunnah On How to Perform Al-Ghusl - Ritual Bath in Islam ( Religious Paper )

1. Get A Clean Water and Place First. Many people do not consider the clean water and place of bath which to me matters most.  ( ALLAH is clean-- and therefore, one should be clean in order to worship Him)

2. Make an intention and start with Bismillah ( In The Name of Allah) ( i.e, saying aloud or in silence that I intend to perform this bath,  in order to purify myself and be clean for prayers,  etc)

3. Washing both the hands up to the wrists.

4. Wash the private parts and remove dirt or filth from the body. ( Note: some scholars recommended that one can use soap, detergent, etc, Allahu-Aalam. In my own opinion; I would advise that we follow the Sunnah of the prophet  ( S.A.W): by doing it directly the way he did/ used to do.

5. Perform Wudu. ( meaning: performing ablution for prayers; but one should not wash his/her legs. That should be the last thing to wash or do.)

6. Water should be poured over the head three times so that it flows all over the body. ( Note: from my own understanding of this, one's hair is very important and some people have long hairs which might not easily absorb water unless this is done thoroughly)

7. Pour water on the right shoulder three times. ( Note: This is done to make sure that water touches all the body starting from one's right shoulder downwards)

8. Pour water on the left shoulder three times. ( This act is repeated just like explained in 7. )

9. Washing the legs ( Starting with the right and then the left. This is the final step of the bath. However, it's Sunnah and recommended that whenever we're washing our legs; we can recite Surah Al-Falaq while washing the right leg, until the end of the Surah,-- and we can then recite Surah An -Nas while washing the left leg. )

Note : This is a Sunnah and not compulsory; it protects one from many things including enemies among jinns and mankind.


1. Expiation of sins.
The Prophet صلّى الله عليه و سلّم said: “He who performs the Wudu perfectly (i.e., according to Sunnah), his sins will depart from his body, even from under his nails.” [Muslim]
2.  The Prophet (S.A.W) will recognize his Ummah from their traces of Wudu

3.  The Believers will be recognized by their traces of Wudu on the Day of Judgment

4. The adornment of a Believer in Jannah will reach up to where the water reached his body.
5. “The adornment of the believer (in Jannah) will reach the places where the water of Wudu reaches (his body).” [Muslim]
6. Performing Wudu in hardship effaces the sins and elevates the ranks. 

Can I tell you one of the reasons why Bilal Ibn Rabbah ( may ALLAH be pleased  with him) will enter Jannah-and was among the Ten Names of those Allah has mentioned will enter Paradise. Is not only that Bilal believes in Allah only-- but because he always maintain his Wudu. He's never without Wudu. That's why the Prophet ( S.A.W) said he heard Bilal's footsteps in Jannah, and when Bilal was asked what good deed he does; he mentioned Wudu.

Hope this explains the bath better and correctly ?

In case,   I said what's wrong or forgot to mention something vital; kindly write to me directly via e-mail : modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com

May ALLAH  ( Sub'Hannahu-Wa'Taala) accept our RAMADAN, forgive our sins,  and unite us with the Righteous. Allahumma-Ameen!

A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

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