Friday, June 1, 2018

The Sunnah On How to Perform Al-Ghusl - Ritual Bath in Islam ( Religious Paper )

1. Get A Clean Water and Place First. Many people do not consider the clean water and place of bath which to me matters most.  ( ALLAH is clean-- and therefore, one should be clean in order to worship Him)

2. Make an intention and start with Bismillah ( In The Name of Allah) ( i.e, saying aloud or in silence that I intend to perform this bath,  in order to purify myself and be clean for prayers,  etc)

3. Washing both the hands up to the wrists.

4. Wash the private parts and remove dirt or filth from the body. ( Note: some scholars recommended that one can use soap, detergent, etc, Allahu-Aalam. In my own opinion; I would advise that we follow the Sunnah of the prophet  ( S.A.W): by doing it directly the way he did/ used to do.

5. Perform Wudu. ( meaning: performing ablution for prayers; but one should not wash his/her legs. That should be the last thing to wash or do.)

6. Water should be poured over the head three times so that it flows all over the body. ( Note: from my own understanding of this, one's hair is very important and some people have long hairs which might not easily absorb water unless this is done thoroughly)

7. Pour water on the right shoulder three times. ( Note: This is done to make sure that water touches all the body starting from one's right shoulder downwards)

8. Pour water on the left shoulder three times. ( This act is repeated just like explained in 7. )

9. Washing the legs ( Starting with the right and then the left. This is the final step of the bath. However, it's Sunnah and recommended that whenever we're washing our legs; we can recite Surah Al-Falaq while washing the right leg, until the end of the Surah,-- and we can then recite Surah An -Nas while washing the left leg. )

Note : This is a Sunnah and not compulsory; it protects one from many things including enemies among jinns and mankind.


1. Expiation of sins.
The Prophet صلّى الله عليه و سلّم said: “He who performs the Wudu perfectly (i.e., according to Sunnah), his sins will depart from his body, even from under his nails.” [Muslim]
2.  The Prophet (S.A.W) will recognize his Ummah from their traces of Wudu

3.  The Believers will be recognized by their traces of Wudu on the Day of Judgment

4. The adornment of a Believer in Jannah will reach up to where the water reached his body.
5. “The adornment of the believer (in Jannah) will reach the places where the water of Wudu reaches (his body).” [Muslim]
6. Performing Wudu in hardship effaces the sins and elevates the ranks. 

Can I tell you one of the reasons why Bilal Ibn Rabbah ( may ALLAH be pleased  with him) will enter Jannah-and was among the Ten Names of those Allah has mentioned will enter Paradise. Is not only that Bilal believes in Allah only-- but because he always maintain his Wudu. He's never without Wudu. That's why the Prophet ( S.A.W) said he heard Bilal's footsteps in Jannah, and when Bilal was asked what good deed he does; he mentioned Wudu.

Hope this explains the bath better and correctly ?

In case,   I said what's wrong or forgot to mention something vital; kindly write to me directly via e-mail :

May ALLAH  ( Sub'Hannahu-Wa'Taala) accept our RAMADAN, forgive our sins,  and unite us with the Righteous. Allahumma-Ameen!

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