Sunday, June 24, 2018

Fortune-Telling, Faith, and Belief In Philosophy of Religion ( Religious Paper )

In this world of deception and political and religious divide, women, youth and children are the most vulnerable to any kind of vulnerability that comes along our way in this life journey of no return. We're in the "Times" when the "FACT" is hardly distinguish from the "TRUTH", a time when "POLITICS" and "RELIGION" are inseparable, and finally, we're in the" TIME" both the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran had long prophecized hundreds of thousands of years ago.  Sometimes in this wicked world,  those who know,  knew not, and the ignorant, actually knew what the learned haven't learnt at all. No one is perfect- we're all mortals; and we're bound to make mistakes in life.  Man has "free-will" to either believe or disbelieve in God or anything else. Thus,  the reason God had sent us hundreds of messengers and prophets from ourselves to serve as reminders and warners to us.  Even in real-life,  the law must try and found someone guilty before they're jailed.  But let me remind you that there's a great difference between "GUILT" and "CRIMINALITY ", and  also there's  a great difference between  " ACCUSATION" and " Truth-telling", equally, there's  just one great line between the " LAW",  "LAW-INTERPRETERS",  and  the " ACCUSED".   In my school of philosophy, a  guilty person might not be a criminal, and a criminal can also be innocent in law; likewise an innocent person can also be found guilty in law. Studying law doesn't mean you're a good lawyer, no one is above the law; neither is one's mother or father owns the law. Falling in love, being in love, or being in any relationship past or present is not a guranteed for marriage; before you fight someone you don't know; agreed you don't know them first. Just like there's a great difference between a rat and a rabbit, even though they share some similarities. No one falls from the sky, we all have families; and ALLAH has blessed each and every one of us very differently. ALLAH gave you beauty for a reason, just like exactly the reason why Allah gave someone else the gift of the pen ( meaning writing) for a reason. Don't take your personal matters to the law for thinking you study the law and can win any case; likewise, do not think you can play the law in your hands because your father is rich, is in power, or you think you have  enough evidences. Allah's evidence is FINAL! Evil stays for the night but it must just be ashamed and go no matter how long or perfect the starting is or can be. MARK MY WORDS! I'll be in The Gambia and let the whole world know I RETURN there in my country in peace. No one can fight GOD. Do not underestimate people- and no one is guilty unless found guilty.

Since 1500 years ago, it has been made indisputably very clear both in the Holy Bible and Holy Quran that there's no other prophet after Muhammad ( S.A.W).  Although- the Quran had further said, Isa,  meaning Jesus,  the son of Mariam or Mary is going to come down. This assertion shows Jesus don't die on the "Cross" but ascended to the heavens for REASONS best known to ALLAH Alone. And let no one ask me WHY.  For neither my father , nor my mother knows why.  All I can therefore tell you is that the authentic Hadiths of prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W) did inform us that the coming back of Jesus- is a major sign for the Day of Judgement- and that he will come to join forces with a very just leader of the world  ( the Mahdi),  in order to fight the rulership of the Antichrist ( Dajjal, the One-Eye).  Now I want to get started in SENEGAL, my second country of origin and one of the most religious Islamic countries in Africa. To add descriptions to the beauty of SENEGAL,  it's a country with millions of God- fearing people, geniuses of all kinds: being it in Music, football, talent,  theatre, etc. If any African do not tell you half of Africa's most intelligent people all come from- or are even presently in SENEGAL,  then the person don't want to say the TRUTH. But SENEGAL with all its blessings, geniuses, and religious people. Only ONE THING I personally don't like about that country.  I don't know if this applies to anyone of you. But from my own taste, I detest certain things having to do with RELIGION and BELIEVE in SENEGAL.

To give a concise description of what I want to say, people nowadays have succumbed to the minions of Satan and thereafter allow him to totally deviate us from the TRUTH.  In SENEGAL,  people worship the Marabous just like gods, and also do term them as prophets. As far as I'll be speaking from personal experience, let me tell you why I say so.  Firstly, I want you to know that there are THREE MAJOR RELIGIOUS SECTS in SENEGAL, all hiding under the banner of Islam, and they are:


Of course, there are other religious sects in Senegal, but these are the major ones. Let's look at them one by one.

1. MURITHDIYYA: This is a religious belief founded by Cheikh Ahmad Bamba,  commonly known as Serigne Bamba Touba. The religion is having its Temple in Touba, Senegal where all members pay hommage to Cheikh Ahmad Bamba every year- in an annual gathering known as Magal Touba.

2. TIJANNIAYYA : This is the third largest religious group in Senegal founded by Mame Da'bakh Sey, father of Serigne Mansour and Serigne Babacar Sey. This religion has its main Temple in Thiaone, Senegal.

3. THE NYASSENS: This is the second largest religious group in Senegal founded by Cheikh Ibrahim Niass, famously known as Baye Niass. The group has its roots and Temple in Kaolack,  Senegal  where they annnual gather just like described in number one and two.

Having briefly described all these three RELIGIONS for you and their founders, let me fear Allah and be very honest to you that I don't belong to any of these three groups, neither do I hate them, nor I am also saying or trying to say they are wrong--  or not following the right religion of Islam. I'm only against  one thing which is: THEIR MARABOUS, those they call SERIGNES in the Wolof language, and equally, term them to be prophets. That is wrong in Islam. Let me also inform all of you that my mother too likes the TIJANNIAYYA religion, and one will be correct to say she might be, but not TIJANNIAYYA.

But I am not TIJANNIAYYA,  neither do I oppose other religions in the entire world.  If not almost half of all the messengers and prophets of God have found their parents and grand-parent following what was totally wrong.  Therefore,   just like YOU who is reading this have your own will to choose any religion; I chose to be a Muslim, believe in only ALLAH ALONE, and all His books, prophets and messengers. I don't believe in any marabou but I don't also against all of them because not all of them are bad or wrong. Let me now give you a SITUATION where I was involved.  In 2016, while in Dakar, it was time for the annual gathering of the MURITHDIYYA RELIGION known as "MAGAL TOUBA",  when I saw everyone in our family-compound preparing for the event- I pretended sick. One of my cousins then approached me and said whether I'll be attending the event; before I could reply, my sister said since I was young,  I don't seem to like what they're following.  I told them actually, I don't hate it, but just that I have a different view of it. My cousin who is so fond of me then sat beside me and said: "Do you know if you attend this gathering even for once, no need to go to Mecca for Hajj ?"
Out of shock and furry, I choose to maintain silent, but later, I feared to be questioned on the Day of Judgment in front of everyone; so, I told him do you know BILAL IBN RABBAH? He said: "oh, YES. He was the first man to call  the "Adzan" ( call for prayers. )" I said Bilal is far more better than anyone in the religion you're following. He was silent for few minutes,  his eyes very red and yet- he managed to ask me why? I also nicely replied to him: because he was among the TEN NAMES mentioned by prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W) that ALLAH had guaranteed PARADISE to TEN PEOPLE while they were still alive- BILAL was one of them.  In conclusion, he wanted to fight me. I told him I don't mean to argue, but just saying what I think is right.

To be very honest here, I love Serigne Bamba Touba and all other Serignes in Senegal whether dead or alive, even the smallest "Talibé" ( student) at their Madrassah ( Quranic School) who have wisdom one million times more than me. I truly RESPECT them and agree 100% that they're genius and great people indeed. But for the rank of prophets and messengers, that one; I say NO to it. The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:8,  in the
New Living Translation that:

"This is what the LORD of Heaven's Armies, the God of Israel, says: "Do not let your prophets and fortune-tellers who are with you in the land of Babylon trick you. Do not listen to their dreams."

 Meaning the Marabous,  it might be that Satan knows very well that Serigne Bamba Touba and others were geniuses of GOD,  very pious people, and had been so knowledgeable; he waited upon their dead to go and mislead PEOPLE about them. Just think and see the senses in this non-sense you're  reading.  There's one great female Marabou in SENEGAL,  I just love her so much so that I even have her number in my phone as I write this. But recently,  when I watched her Video saying she saw Angel Gibril, honestly,  I don't doubt what she said, not out of respect at all.  She might be also very right and have her own REASONS too. But, I was thinking Angel Gibril or Gabriel in Christianity is only sent to prophets. But for those of you who will like to hear where she says this; click on this link:

Tounkara à Selbe Ndom : YALLA REUBEU NALA yaw Nék…:

Furthermore, the Bible says in  1 John 4:1 in the New International Version that "do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world to mislead men ."

Finally, I own my personal blog and write anything I feel like writing therein anytime. But that doesn't make me attack people, or accuse anyone about anything. I know very well not all my readers appreciate what I write; but I also know that in this last world; those who tell the truth have no friends because the truth hurts. A woman in SENEGAL once told me, if you're looking for a good husband or wife, go for the one that hurts you but loves you; and you both love each other. When I looked at the old woman and said in my heart: "Is this what she prays for me", then, I heard her added to me: "Because no Man is perfect and no Woman too is perfect. If you're looking for or waiting for that perfect guy in your life; you'll never marry.  The one you think is very  perfect will only show you his/her other side of imperfection after MARRIAGE not before MARRIAGE.  You only see the seed of the fruit after eating its outter-layer which is eatable. "When I was alone heading home, though, what she said hurts me. But I know it's the whole truth.  May God make us from those who can accept the truth no matter how painful its- and may Allah make us from among those who can see any evil plotted agaisnt us. Ameen!

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