Monday, June 4, 2018

Get Your Image And Comment Publish On My Website

Greetings Dear Reader (s),
                                                If recognition was a musician like Akon, I send you a record, if writers were all like me: I send you myself  ( Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe. ) I want to tell you that I love you more than you can breathe.

Glad knowing I inspire thousands of readers across the world like you.

May I be personal with you,  I persistently insist that you humbly accept my profound gratitude. I would like to inform you that my "Author Website" has a section known as "Reader's Opinion", in the meanwhile, we are requesting for your honest comments/ impressions/ opinions about my work as a blogger , an author or a scholar.

I admire those already subscribed to my blog- and always reading anything I write. From the picture below, USA happened to register the highest number of people reading my work across the world. No matter who you're,  where you're from, and no matter how faraway you're from me. I want to say, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Is your chance to speak your mind about me-- good or bad, it will be highly appreciated and acknowledged accordingly.

We'll have your comments publish on my website, and entirely reserve the right to publish your opinion exactly as send/sent to us. In case you've ever read any of my books, papers, or blog posts, do not forget to mention this in your writeup, and tell us how it impressed or depressed you. This being said, we would need the following:

1. Keep your comments/ opinions/ impressions very brief in less than 30 words maximum.

2. Your comments/ opinions/ impressions should be written on a particular blog post or paper, any of my books, or either a poem, an article,  etc,-- which you've read, and it impresses you hugely no matter where you may be living.

3.  Send us any of your decent image (s)

You can send them directly to:

Kindly visit my Author Website for more details to see what other people have already said and to see their images. Click on this link:

Yours Affectionately,
Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

 A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

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