Tuesday, June 12, 2018

AMEN ( A Poem)

Say Yes and Amen:

May prisons be empty, Amen!
The skies rain in plenty, Amen!
May the crops grow well, Amen!
May peace be peaceful, Amen!
May nowadays children be respectful, Amen!
May cheaters be exonerated, Amen!
Incomes be generated, Amen!
May queens be kings, Amen!
Married wives keep their rings, Amen!
May bad people die like an art-gallery,  Amen!
May male workers who date their secretaries lack salary, Amen!
May poverty be poor, Amen!
May God close the door of death, Amen!
Sins be forgiven, Amen!
Prayers be accepted, Amen!
The unmaried get marry,  Amen!
The married have a child to carry, Amen!
May departed souls rest in peace, Amen!
May peace prevail in the world, Amen!
May the Third World War be prevented, Amen!
May nations remain undivided, Amen!
May Africa never lack electricity,  Amen!
African banks to give free loans, Amen!
Hospitals give free treatments, Amen!
Education be free, Amen!
May women who abort their pregnancies be pregnant, Amen!
Their shame be repugnant, Amen!
May African farmers be rich, Amen!
And African presidents be poor, Amen!

May corruption be incorruptible , Amen!
May African fishermen be honorables, Amen!
May everyone be healthy, Amen!
Have long life and prosperity,  Amen!
May Christians love Muslims,  Amen!
And Muslims love Christians,  Amen!
May men be faithful , Amen!
And the ungrateful be grateful, Amen!
May our haters die before us, Amen!
May our gossipers be put to shame, Amen!
May betrayers be betrayed, Amen!
May those who never keep promises regret,  Amen!
May the Bible and Qur'an curse them, Amen!
May the seven skies curse them, Amen!
May the seas and every piece of sand curse them, Amen!
May all the messengers and prophets curse them, Amen!
May prostitutes be virgins,  Amen!
May politicians be honest,  Amen!
May African leaders keep their promises after elections, Amen
May liars tell the truth, Amen!
May those who want to see us fail themselves fail, Amen!
May Jesus come very soon, Amen!
May the Anti-Christ be recognized, Amen!
May the sick get well soon, Amen!
The blind gain sight,  Amen!
The deaf hear, Amen!
May Satan enter hell,  Amen!
May all his worshippers be burnt in hell,  Amen!
May the rich be able to give charity,  Amen!
May the arrogant be down to earth, Amen!
May pregnant women all deliver today, Amen!
May the pain of menstruation be less painful, Amen!
May labor be easy-going for pregnant women,  Amen!
May evil be exposed,  Amen!
May African police men stop accepting bribes, Amen!
May FBI's in films learn to come on time in scenes, Amen!
May Nollyhood stop acting porns, Amen!
May Hollyhood stop acting for Satan, Amen!
May the Whitehouse be black again, Amen!
May Jay Z marry Beyonce, Amen!
May there be one man one wife, Amen!
Just say Amen, are you saying Amen?

May lawyers stop lying,  Amen!
May the journalists tell the truth,  Amen!
May writers write for God, Amen!
May African leaders all develop their countries,  Amen!
May peace be in Jerusalem,  Amen!
May Libya have a new president, Amen!
May war stop in Africa, Amen!
May Donald Trump stop using Twitter, Amen!
May the blood of a seven-year-old child be revenged,  Amen!

May France have a black president, Amen!
May the Queen of England live long, Amen!
May all bad marabous die TODAY,  Amen!
May madmen be sane , Amen!
May jealous women don't have co-wives, Amen!
May Muslim men have more wives,  Amen!
May Christian men be faithful to their women, Amen!
May the next Pope be black,  Amen!
May I marry a wife this year, Amen!
May you get all you desire in life, Amen!
May illegal migration be legalized,  Amen!
May the white people remember they came to Africa illegally,  Amen!
May slavery be forgotten, Amen!
May mental slavery end,  Amen!
May Boko Haram be Boko Halal, Amen!
May ISIS sell ice-cream, Amen!
May peace be restored in Syria, Amen!
May tribalism end in Africa, Amen!
May hatred and jealousy leave Africa, Amen!
May Usain Bolt play football, Amen!
May Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry be best NBA Players, Amen!
May Real Madrid fans accept Barça is the best team ever, Amen!
May France and Saudi national teams have more white footballers, Amen!
May the blood of Ghaddafi and Sankara be revenged,  Amen!
May Africa have another Nelson Mandela, Amen!
May Ngozi Chimamanda Adechie win the Nobel Prize for Literature,  Amen!
May Malaria leave Africa and go anywhere,  Amen!
May our RAMADAN be accepted,  Amen!
Our wishes be granted,  Amen!
May widows be married,  Amen!
Widowers be unmarried, Amen!
May poor African women be empowered,  Amen!
May the voiceless be heard, Amen!
May men stop harassing women,  Amen!
May women love those who love them, Amen!
May hunger end in Africa,  Amen!
May The Gambia have a president who's not a member of the Illuminatti, Amen!
Are you still saying Amen?

May the resources in Africa be used to develop Africa,  Amen!
May the fake Christ be exposed,  Amen!
May there be a United States of Africa,  Amen!
May arm-robbers stop rubbing, Amen!
May the wrong be right, Amen!
May an African team win the 2022 World Cup,  Amen!
May someone help me tell "Regina Daniels" I think I like her, Amen!
May Saudi Arabia have an upright king, Amen!
May someone help me tell Drake,  Wayne and Tupac are the best rappers ever alive, Amen!
May someone help me tell Bob Marley he was the king of reggae, Amen!
May LeBron James know he'll never be Michael Jordan, Amen!
May my wife be Gambian or any other nationality, Amen!
May my in-laws know I'm their son-in-law, Amen!
May the world become a mono-linguistic entity, Amen!
May Arab me spoken in heaven, Amen!
May those who can't speak it speak English,  Amen!
May the UNHCR offices in Africa learn to be fair to refugees, Amen!
May you all live to see your grandchildren,  Amen!
May anyone who hates what I write, write something better, say Amen!
May you help yourself to accept my gift,  Amen!
May U.K. have a black queen, Amen!
May everyone accept what I write is true, Amen!
May your mouths be used to praise  Lord,  say Yes and Amen!

Kindly visit my Mobile-Friendly Author Website on this link : http://www.modoulaminagealmusafsowe. doodlekit.com/home All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright.

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