Monday, October 31, 2016

How Culture and Environment Influence One’s Life ( Academic Paper )

 Culture and Environment
This paper x-rays ideas assimilated by socialists and other research persons on culture and environment and their effects to man as a living being. The ideas are philosophical in their content, (Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf, 2016, p. 14) suggests in The Throne of The Ghost that culture is a virtue which should be championed by every society in the Twenty-First Century, including the future generations yet unborn, but it can’t be socially harvested without being morally implanted into the wombs of our environment-- which directly or indirectly transmogrify the human psyche.

 When people evolved, this happens as a result of a mixture of cultural values and environmental adoption. However, this varies from other theories adopted by some writers, who defined culture as a way of life of people, and environment as our surrounding in which we live. This thesis, has a vivid  concepts adopted on a research by (Berkman & Kawachi, 2000): in showing how health and environment  has determined several factors including genetic inheritance personal behavior, access to quality healthcare and the general external environment (such as the quality of air, water and housing conditions). In addition, a growing body of research has documented the association between social and cultural factors and man.
 Numerous facts have been proven by (Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf, 2016 p. 21) on how culture as a seed of the environment is grown on the minds of people and can impact positive changes in their social lives, an analysis of the role performed by the people in serving as the sources of artistic heritage, and their contribution in assimilating ideas to generate rich cultural values from norms and customs of their society bond by the environment.

Principles are also laid down to serve as guidelines with references, to prescribe how civilization and the environment can change one’s life, if one is to be ethical. Consequently, the nitty-gritty of culture also serves as a strength to reenergize the weakened shape of the surrounding to enhancing a holistic development. In conclusion, the people and their origin, sex, color, ethnicity, political affiliation and ethno-linguistic composition, all aid in influencing and creating a definite shape to a suitable environment in which people can dwell and interact. Some of the ways in which customs and location can influence one’s life includes:
Environmental Influence, of a society which adopts an existing concept as a social value, in most cases, culture is seen as an object of civilization over a long period of time by the same ethnic-group, sex, family or surrounding. Here, an idea from one person or a group influences the same people in a particular surrounding sharing the same background.

Cultural Influence, similarly, this happens as a result of an ancestral belief or practice of an individual or a group which is handed down from one generation to another. Culture and environment are used as agents to influence others through practices and beliefs. In this regard, the people follow and strengthening their own beliefs rather than being influenced by their atmosphere.
An ethnically diverse sample of How Culture Influence One’s Life would be of great benefit to drawing conclusions about extremes of the stress continuum by studying African-Americans who experienced psychosocial sources such as racism and discrimination, example (Clark et al,.1999).

Berkman and Kawachi. (2000). Social Epidemiology,
              A research on Culture and Environment page 1-13
Clark. (1999). Racism as a stressor for African-Americans.
       A bio-psychosocial model, American Psychologist, 54(10): 107-123.
Sowe, Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf. (2016). Research on Culture and Environment.
             The Throne of The Ghost page 1(6): 14-21

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Saturday, October 29, 2016



I write with truth, respect and understanding to enlighten the world, on the Ban of practicing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or Female Genital Cutting (FGC), an issue widely misunderstood and firmly believe as necessary when it was banned.  It will be philosophically reasonable and indubitably apt to know that human mentality is so quick to absorb any idea generally accepted by the absolute majority, especially, decisions made by those in authority. Mankind must be careful and strive in having the ability to reject anything newly introduce in the New World, for the New World Order, which is based on the accomplishment of welcoming Dajjaal (The Anti-Christ) and valuing Satan as God. Let us use the assurance to pronounce the innocence of Islam, which has now been considered a world treat to peace, destruction and savagery —adding to a worldly invented catalyst known as ‘Terrorism’, introduced in September 11, to defame Islam and raise the control of worldly domination in power and material gain. I have been researching for long —have written number of articles both on religion and philosophy, fiction and non-fiction, etc, and have measured the weight of Islam and ‘Eman’ (true belief),which are losing balance in the world, due to what many have conceptualized to be considered right even though it’s absolutely wrong in Islam. I will like to based my article on a book written by a seasoned of scholars and authors, who have been so instrumental and demonstrated quite sufficient an advocacy, in joining the rest of the world unlike the Gambia in banning the practice of FGM in the world. However, it’s wise to substantiate the content of the book which is currently read at The University of The Gambia and other parts of the world. Let’s differentiate between Mutilation and Circumcision...

 Mutilation according to the Oxford dictionary of English means: ‘the action of being mutilated or the infliction of serious damage on something.’ While Circumcision means: ‘the action or practice of circumcising (also female circumcision) (in some cultures) the traditional practice of cutting off the clitoris and sometimes the labia of girls or young women. (Circumcision) (in church use) the feast of the Circumcision of Christ—indeed it’s interesting to argue that socialists have already fused and confused the two to be the same, which has resulted into interesting debates on earth and led to so much confusion in the world.
One should ask himself or herself, why don’t we say Western Genital Mutilation (WGM)? But we will never say WGM because even insane people knew and can differentiate that our religion, culture, values, societies and beliefs, are all totally different. Anything suitable in the West doesn’t necessary have to suit the whole world; men and women on earth in all nations' are different, sexually, physically and emotionally, both in pleasure and satisfaction, religion and ability in marriage. The erecter muscle of the male organ functions effectively well when its circumcise, to facilitate erection and satisfaction; likewise, in women who are circumcise because the similitude of an uncircumcised  women is like drinking seven times from a cup every day, men are the cup and must satisfy women in maximum seven times every day. How many men can undertake that on earth?  Very few, that is why, is good for women to be circumcised but not mutilated, in order to limit their sexual satisfaction and control their desires for sex. Naturally, God has given men the ability to satisfy four women, and in Islam, it is accepted to marry up to four wives. But that statement is only meant for those who can financially and physically do so. To the contrary, some men marry more than one wives and misinterpret the Quran, women must have it seven times a day to fully reach their satisfaction. It has been proven that in the Twenty-First Century, the female child is stronger than the male child in sexually from childhood because of certain foods and drinks consume by us today, radiation, chemicals, and so on being the reason why men are becoming sexually weak and dying; the reason why there is so much adultery and fornication in the world, is because of FGM, simply, because those women totally weak in faith and can’t control their desires, must take to street to get seven times satisfaction; if they can’t get it from their marriages. Over 90% of women who acts pornography films are not circumcised. Here comes the authentic Hadith of the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W):  Muslim (349) narrated that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When a man sits between the four parts (arms and legs of his wife) and the two circumcised parts meet, then Ghusl is obligatory.”
 In this Hadith, it could be said that both male and female Muslims in the world can be circumcised, nevertheless, there is no need arguing that the Holy Qur’an has not mentioned female circumcision in any surah (chapter); that argument will be baseless if one should also say the Holy Qur’an has not also mentioned other things we’re practicing today but not in any surah in the Quran.  Muslims all over the world should learn to follow the teachings of our prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), if one is to follow the Right Path and not to be lost in faith. In addition to that, everything on earth has been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, if only you don’t join those destroying the Qur’an and the Bible without burning them, you will accept that Allah owns His Qur’an and will protect it. Certain things are not mentioned in the Holy Qur’an but mentioned in the Hadiths of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) because they are Sunnah (not compulsory), but, note that prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) don’t just speak like that— anything he says is from Allah (S.W.T) and add value to our faith and religion when done correctly—for example people say that the rain adds the amount of water in our oceans, which made water constituted 73% of the earth surface. But the fact is that whether it rains or not, the ocean is still there since creation and never got dry. I will like to draw your attention to the Divisions within the Main Religious Groups: Islam, Christianity and other religions.
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (S.A.W)
"The Jews have split into seventy-one sects, and my Ummah will divide into seventy-three." [1]
'Awf Ibn Malick reported that the Prophet (S.A.W)
"The Jews split into seventy-one sects: one will enter Paradise and
Seventy will enter Hell. The Christians split into seventy-two sects:
Seventy-one will enter Hell and one will enter Paradise. By Him in Whose
Hand is my soul; my Ummah will split into seventy-three sects: one will
Enter Paradise and seventy-two will enter Hell." Someone asked, "O
Messenger of Allah, who will they be?" He replied, "The main body of the Muslims (Al-Jamaa'ah), who will follow Imam Mahdi and Isa (Jesus)." Although there have already emerged so many Jamaa’ahs, Mahdis and some self-proclaimed scholars and messengers, but Allah will help us identify the right from the wrong.

We are in a tense world, where Islam has been divided into many sects all claiming to be Muslims, the wise ones amongst us, should be alarmed on the disappearance of wisdom and the replacement of fake knowledge, which many perceived to be intact and stainless; that’s what is existing today in our scholars, writers, leaders, pastors, pops, imams, etc, 'Awf Ibn Malick is the only one who reported this Hadith, and its Isnaad is acceptable. [2] Anas Ibn Malick said,
"I shall tell you a Hadith which I heard from the Messenger of Allah, and which no-one will tell you after me. I heard him say, 'Among the signs of the Hour will be the disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance. Adultery will be prevalent and the drinking of wine will be common. The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there will be fifty women to be looked after by one man.'" This Hadith was reported in the two Sahid from the Hadith of 'Abd Rabbihi. [3]. My Dear Reader, is this not happening today? Be honest to yourself, it doesn’t matter what religion you belong, but the truth is for all.
'Abd Allah said: "The Prophet (S.A.W) said: 'Just before the Hour, there will be days in which knowledge will disappear and ignorance will appear, and there will be much killing.' “[Ibn Maajah; also narrated by Imam Bukhaaree and Muslim, from the Hadith of al-A'mash] [4] Hudhayfah Ibn Al-Yaman said:
"The Prophet (S.A.W) said: 'Islam will become worn out like clothes are, until there will be no-one who knows what fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are. The Qur'an will disappear in one night, and no Ayah will be left on earth. Some groups of old people will be left who will say, 'We heard our fathers saying La-ilaha-illa-Alaah, so we repeated it.' Silah asked Hudhayfah, "what will saying La-ilaha-illa-Alaah does for them when they do not know what prayer, fasting, ritual and charity.’ We can judge things by ourselves on the current happenings on earth today. We have so many groups of Muslims sects who say ‘La-ilaha-illa-Allah’, but they are fake Muslims. They war for the wrong reasons and defame Islam, most of them use tricks by Satan to assimilate confusions in the name of Islam. The worst Muslims today, are those who know the Qur’an better and always sing its verses on their lips but yet denied the truth. The word ‘Terror’ is in the Holy Qur’an in Surah Al-Anfaal chapter eight (8) verse sixty (60), which reads: ‘Against them make ready your strengths to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of)) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the Cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly. From this verse and surah (chapter) Al-Anfaal, or the Spoils of War, as the name implies, the word ‘Terror’ is in the Qur’an but not the word ‘Terrorism.’
This Surah (chapter) has it that true Muslims strike in the way of Allah in times of war call against enemies of Allah. We are not terrors and don’t enjoy terrorism, but it is an obligation to wage war to enemies of Allah who themselves are terrors to Islam. In the same Surah (Chapter) in verse sixty-one (61) it states that: ‘but if the enemies incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah: for He is the One that heareth and knoweth (all things).’ Therefore, we don’t pronounce war neither unjustly attack any religion or nation, unless they Cause Allah and become treats to Islam and mankind at large, enemies of Allah are our enemies and so we must fight them until they maintain peace.

To bring home to the weight and significance of this topic, today we can state what is happening in the world, where women are far more than men, the rate of prostitution and fornication grows like a bush fire, women dressing and walking nakedly, and secrets of marriages widely discussed at the market and in streets than in the house. No child obeys his/her parent, respect took to its heels, shame killed itself, like grains, lying and evil germinated in our hearts, education is made to earn worldly gains, the truth pains and Satan rules the world. This distinctively and expressively well meditated article, has been carefully given a due consideration aligned with facts on FGM; particularly, hadiths of our prophet Muhammad (S.AW). 
I have discovered over the years that most scholars in Africa; are firmly depending on foreign ideologies to make us comprehend what FGM really meant though that’s very essential.  However, with regard to the criticism on the negative effects of circumcision by some renowned doctors, and their claim that it is harmful both physically and psychologically, I want them to know that if anything is not done the way it’s supposed to be, it obviously becomes harmful. Nobody will say food is bad, but even that, if it’s not been rightly consumed it becomes bad for us. Yes to circumcision if it’s good for any Muslim woman, it might be practice, and that practice has been in existence before our age— but if it’s going to harm them, it mustn’t be done. Note that is Sunnah and not a force for women to be circumcise in Islam, I’m only against the word ‘’Mutilation’’, we invented the word Mutilation which is severe than Circumcision, in order to flame arguments in Islam, weaken our faith and bring about confusions in the world. Abu Dawood (5271) narrated from Umm ‘Atiyyah al-Ansaariyyah that a woman used to make circumcisions in Madinah and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to her: “Do not go to the extreme in cutting; that is better for the woman and more liked by the husband.” But the scholars differed concerning this Hadith. Some of them classed it as Da’eef (weak) and others classed it as Sahid (authentic). It was classed as Sahid by Al-Albaani in Sahid Abu Dawood, etc. But Allah knows best, what men invented and adverted with their hands and the evil in their hearts. The fact that circumcision for women is prescribed in Islam is confirmed by the Hadith quoted above, and supported by all hadiths mentioned earlier. But the scholars differed concerning the ruling, and there are three opinions: 

The Hadith narrated by Al-Bukhaari (5889) and Muslim (257) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with them), said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The Fitrah are five things – or five things are part of the Fitrah – circumcision, shaving the pubes, cutting the nails, plucking the armpit hairs, and trimming the moustache."
This Hadith includes circumcision of both male and female. Beyond no reasonable doubt, good Muslims should desist from being totally succumb to the Great Age of Deception, that is because people of our time have pride themselves so much that they are worship and seen as gods. That many servants of Satan call themselves gods/goddesses, and pride themselves in worshipping Satan and many people admired them in the way they dress, act and talk in public. Righteousness is not an easy thing to obtain but true faith (Eman) is harder to. Allah always says, ‘Yaa-Ayyuhallazina-Aamanuu’ (O’those who truly believe).  Therefore, equally I write this article, calling true Muslims, Christians, Jews, etc— who truly believe in Allah to rethink and embark on the search for the truth. I’m not saying women all over the world should be circumcised, but Muslim women can be circumcised if that is better for them.

 The burning issue is, "DON’T WE HAVE ISLAMIC SCHOLARS TO HAVE THEIR SAY ON FGM?”.  As stated by some doctors that they invited Islamic scholars but they could not give them any authentic Hadiths and Surahs in the Holy Qur’an. If my brain is assimilating the truth, and if I am not misquoting from the paper published in 1996 and of recent the World Health Organization. In Fact, according to the World Health Organization (W.H.O), there are four types of FGM— the first of which according to them is known as the Sunnah type. Why saying the Sunnah type? Is that an English word? The word ‘’Sunnah’’ ,means in Islam something good and practicable, for us as Muslims, we should know that circumcision is not compulsory, but anyone wishing to do it should practice the Sunnah type; as it has been prescribed. I am tempted to ask why the Sunnah type? Where did it originate from?  My article is designed to enhancing improved considerate on FGM and ISLAM, especially, on Western ideologies, and in our practice as Muslims, and also to serve as a basis for the extraction of answers on FGM for research and the quest for righteous knowledge in the Twenty-First Century.
It is also aimed at giving out an ideal and succinct plank of view on FGM and its inner and outside influence to the people interested in research, but who may not have the favorable and ample time to read and to tell the reality of FGM.

Lesson by lesson, the book I am working on, TEMPLE OF WISDOM, provides basic instruction on FGM—depicting its norms, beautiful cultures, traditional societies, new and old discoveries and intellectual contributions.

 I am with a fervent hope and confidence that researchers all over the world— will find my article useful than argue on its expression and content. As the Holy Qur’an says in Suratul Al--Kafirrun, chapter 109 verse 6 that: ‘’Lakum-dinukum waliya-deen’’, meaning, to you be your religion and unto me mine.’
 ‘Alhamdoulilah-Rabbil-Aalamiin’ (All Praise Be to Allah)

In the service of Islam and creative writing, I will always remain nothing but a poor slave of Allah,

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 Thank you for following my blog. Kindly type your comments and questions below:

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Vomiting the hidden secret secretly

Privately becoming my public gatherings

My heart palpitated with an ugly sadness.

My imagination started killing me.

Can this truly be a sign of pregnancy?

My eye bulb came out of the socket; it was

Rotating three hundred sixty degrees like a circle


I felt dizzy, and dizziness harassed my body.

Thinking of the shame I will bring to my family

If this child is born,

I embarked on a crying project.


Pregnancy is like a character.

But attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

Why didn't I wear my mother's clothes?

This animal on my body disappointed me.

Pleasure betrayed my emotions.

Blindly, I was led to motherhood.

My education is retarded.

Fingers pointing to me, and

My name is the talk of the day.


Tears got frozen in my eyes.

I cried blood.

Blood cried for me, and I cried nothing but tears.

My sweat evaporated into the thin air.

I cross-carpeted the junction of confusion.

'N landed on the bed of regret.

I disagree and agree with my senses about committing abortion.

But what about the life Hereafter?


A concrete concave order covered my conscience.

My best friends turned out to be my worst enemies.

My best clothes turn out to be nothing.

If I had known that destiny would make me like this,

I was going to bargain for a flight to hell.

Before I could catch my breath.

I heard the drumming of my eardrums.

Whispering words of mockery into my semi-circular canal

I roared like a lion.

'N fetched a knife to rest at last from pain.

But the knife became my best friend, knowing that

I don’t intend to kill myself.


Like the melted limbs of a cow, the news spread...

I got married at my house.

The hidden character expanded in size.

'N clarified the uncertain rumors' heard by the people

I peered through my window.

I saw the roughness of the sky.

I am ready to endure the pain of birth.

Thunder and lightning of hate hunted my privacy.

I have nothing to hunt for but to accept it all in good faith.


My eyes advised me to visit my bed for relaxation.

I consented and climbed through the stairs of my bed.

I was greeted by my pillow.

Who activated me to silence?

I forgot what I dreamed, and I slept gracefully.


He that can look into the seed of time
'N tell you which seedling will germinate
Like a footprint,

He has printed the Alphabets
Producing Letters of literature
'N words of creativity

Books of legacy
He's itemized his actions
'N laid eggs of a Pan-African

Hatching chicks of inspiration
On the African continent
Leaving footsteps of hope

Shoes of determination,
Socks of wisdom,
For all those who know the purpose of time

Like a blown balloon he has left the earth
Igniting us with his last breath
Rest on the nest of mercy
Marry to our prayers
'N be accompany with tears of regrets
Gone but shall never be forgotten.

In memory of late Chinua Achebe

Like a mirror,
My result reflects an ink of a blue pen.
What’s that look on my face?
I grapple with happiness,
Upon seeing myself in the mirror;
I looked like a gold lump,
As beautiful as a rainbow;
I could not but have to smile,
An uncontrollable smile controls my common sense,

I heard the clap of my joy congratulating me on my hard work.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Relationships and Marriages of Nowadays

Ectomy told me to make a cacophony of my ailment,
As my cadaverous body dissuades me
 From the vow I disavow;
To manoeuvre to my wench who made me love-sick

My feelings became recalcitrant and love-lorn,
My gaiety gagged me with penury
To suffer the hardship of an inexcusable heartbreak,
Jettison by the so-called comrade of my flatulent incomprehensible lass

These psychopathic 'n cabalistic sirrahs
 Hath fluctuated an anxiety in me,
They've made nemesis to catch up with my iambic parentheses 
Ratatouille with my circumnavigation to marriage,

A relationship of regret alarmed in my heart without a rescue,
My pluviosity of effleurage
Sucked my juicy lips with xanthosis
A friendly pretentious ally she is to my lass,

Smelling the whiff of money
To steal the love of her friend,
Her looks can only be liken to that of an innocent upright palm tree,
If the glasses of your legs have been broken,
Why not leave her to protect hers?

I understand you come from that kind of home,
Where those who live in glass houses throw stones,
Do away from her 'n be not an obstacle to my relationship 'n way to marriage,
You can’t untie a rope you've no knowledge of,

You’ve shown me a clear pair of teeth 'n act not in your deeds
You need an expensive boyfriend with glittering papers,
A man who drives a car 'n not ride a bicycle,
Gambian men without a car nowadays never have a honey,

Not even a honey-bunny,
Marriages of nowadays are broken by the in-laws of the man,
The termination of the contract signed by the woman;
In whose aspiration not seeing what she has expected
Has to take a divorce,

Not knowing she will add to the number of unmarried women,
Leaving the ratio of marriage to 1 man is to 30 women,
Women are more than men in our generation,
People of nowadays never married for the sake of God,
We’ve shunned the old practices 'n shattered them into flights,
We dug ourselves graves,
To bury our tradition into silence,
With the existence of religious leaders
To dispense in advice to us,
May God guide us on the right path.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

I Wish I Can Tell Her ( A Poem)

I held ma belt in my heart,

Grieving for an affection's meditation

This feeling got me arrested in her love station;

Rhyming my imagination;

You merit the tune of ma every heartbeat

Including the sweet-joy, I ran within a defeat

Your adoration strikes in me more than a giga-byte

I keep riding in your dreams like a bike.

I mean what you meant

Better call me a Gambian undiscovered Celt

The feelings you feeding me got me to melt

I don't mean anybody

Literature just got writing what I felt

I walked up to her and knee when I knelt

In writing, I am not a scary picture

Ugly like God made me in ma nature

Calibrating ma caliber

My quietness does not mean I can't speak in public

Gambia's hidden God-ordained proletariat.

Choice or Option

He that gave me milk from wisdom

Snow me to dust when it shines

Smile not I presume my desire

Joy is but a bell

Rung in distress for wealth is but rain

The season is time, and the reason is love

Love me not for wealth

Magistrates of doom and decadence,

My choice is not your option.

Choose me or marry to your him

If love was a human, I shall die a slave

Imprison in your heart and lock with betrayal.

Early Marriage

There is a great difference between
Money and love,
Choice and option,
Force and conviction;
Encouragement and persuasion,

Why didn’t you allow me to complete my secondary education?
Why were you carried away by money?
Can money buy Love?
My success is now retarded,
My time wasted, and my age escalated.

Don’t you have any conscience?
Look at me, it's me, your only daughter
Why should I abandon a slave for a king?
That boy is the land-lord of my heart
And the king of my kingdom.

Did you forget the bag of rice he bought for you?
Why not you belch his food?
Now that you have emptied his pockets
Stranded his dignity and wealth
Who next to curse?
You can’t separate two corpses in the same grave
He alone I do love.

Why not you try to reason as usual?
Marriage has many pains
And I am too young to dance with many sorrows
What a suffering and pain
Do I have to undergo all in the nest of an early marriage?

The Message ( A Poem )

Am born an Arab-African-Gambian

But a global citizen by nationality

Chinua Achebe died during my birth

How can the Gambia shine above Senegal?

Ask the Touba mosque why.

We are surrounded on three sides by water

 As Serign Bamba Touba

All great men are born great with misfortunes

Mine is the worst because am born a fool


Shakespeare used a sword

But ask him who owns the throne

He is Isa and not Jesus

He is not a son of God

 Don’t put him in Hell

Let the message be clear

There is only One God;

Zakir Naik preaches justice

But ask him which tongue is just

Islam is a true religion

 Embrace it with joy

Lucifer is Satan

Baphomet and lluminatti

But he knows who I am

African integration is rest in the nest of a man

Ignorant and underestimated

 But born with wisdom

It takes an extraordinary challenge for an ordinary man to be extraordinary

The trials of the ‘’Dajjaal’’ will soon come to you

Remember the secret; Suratul Khaf is always your refuge

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was the last prophet

Let not Ghulam Ahmad deceive the Ahmadiyyas

Tell all idol worshippers that there is only one God-- Allah.

Tell Egyptians that their pyramid is not a place for idol worshipping

Let my message be heard 

Tell Jehovah to convert before he dies

Tell the Diva that God is alone on His Throne

Let the King of Pop tell you what he is currently undergoing

Tell all greedy presidents on earth that power rules power

Tell all your great writers' to write a book like the Holy Qur'an

Tell your so-called scientists to discover a cure for death

With all the resources and the talent;

Why should Africa be underdeveloping?

Let my message be clear

I am nothing but only a poor slave of Allah.

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