Saturday, October 8, 2016

I Wish I Can Tell Her ( A Poem)

I held ma belt in my heart,

Grieving for an affection's meditation

This feeling got me arrested in her love station;

Rhyming my imagination;

You merit the tune of ma every heartbeat

Including the sweet-joy, I ran within a defeat

Your adoration strikes in me more than a giga-byte

I keep riding in your dreams like a bike.

I mean what you meant

Better call me a Gambian undiscovered Celt

The feelings you feeding me got me to melt

I don't mean anybody

Literature just got writing what I felt

I walked up to her and knee when I knelt

In writing, I am not a scary picture

Ugly like God made me in ma nature

Calibrating ma caliber

My quietness does not mean I can't speak in public

Gambia's hidden God-ordained proletariat.

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