Saturday, October 15, 2016


Vomiting the hidden secret secretly

Privately becoming my public gatherings

My heart palpitated with an ugly sadness.

My imagination started killing me.

Can this truly be a sign of pregnancy?

My eye bulb came out of the socket; it was

Rotating three hundred sixty degrees like a circle


I felt dizzy, and dizziness harassed my body.

Thinking of the shame I will bring to my family

If this child is born,

I embarked on a crying project.


Pregnancy is like a character.

But attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

Why didn't I wear my mother's clothes?

This animal on my body disappointed me.

Pleasure betrayed my emotions.

Blindly, I was led to motherhood.

My education is retarded.

Fingers pointing to me, and

My name is the talk of the day.


Tears got frozen in my eyes.

I cried blood.

Blood cried for me, and I cried nothing but tears.

My sweat evaporated into the thin air.

I cross-carpeted the junction of confusion.

'N landed on the bed of regret.

I disagree and agree with my senses about committing abortion.

But what about the life Hereafter?


A concrete concave order covered my conscience.

My best friends turned out to be my worst enemies.

My best clothes turn out to be nothing.

If I had known that destiny would make me like this,

I was going to bargain for a flight to hell.

Before I could catch my breath.

I heard the drumming of my eardrums.

Whispering words of mockery into my semi-circular canal

I roared like a lion.

'N fetched a knife to rest at last from pain.

But the knife became my best friend, knowing that

I don’t intend to kill myself.


Like the melted limbs of a cow, the news spread...

I got married at my house.

The hidden character expanded in size.

'N clarified the uncertain rumors' heard by the people

I peered through my window.

I saw the roughness of the sky.

I am ready to endure the pain of birth.

Thunder and lightning of hate hunted my privacy.

I have nothing to hunt for but to accept it all in good faith.


My eyes advised me to visit my bed for relaxation.

I consented and climbed through the stairs of my bed.

I was greeted by my pillow.

Who activated me to silence?

I forgot what I dreamed, and I slept gracefully.

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