Friday, October 14, 2016

Relationships and Marriages of Nowadays

Ectomy told me to make a cacophony of my ailment,
As my cadaverous body dissuades me
 From the vow I disavow;
To manoeuvre to my wench who made me love-sick

My feelings became recalcitrant and love-lorn,
My gaiety gagged me with penury
To suffer the hardship of an inexcusable heartbreak,
Jettison by the so-called comrade of my flatulent incomprehensible lass

These psychopathic 'n cabalistic sirrahs
 Hath fluctuated an anxiety in me,
They've made nemesis to catch up with my iambic parentheses 
Ratatouille with my circumnavigation to marriage,

A relationship of regret alarmed in my heart without a rescue,
My pluviosity of effleurage
Sucked my juicy lips with xanthosis
A friendly pretentious ally she is to my lass,

Smelling the whiff of money
To steal the love of her friend,
Her looks can only be liken to that of an innocent upright palm tree,
If the glasses of your legs have been broken,
Why not leave her to protect hers?

I understand you come from that kind of home,
Where those who live in glass houses throw stones,
Do away from her 'n be not an obstacle to my relationship 'n way to marriage,
You can’t untie a rope you've no knowledge of,

You’ve shown me a clear pair of teeth 'n act not in your deeds
You need an expensive boyfriend with glittering papers,
A man who drives a car 'n not ride a bicycle,
Gambian men without a car nowadays never have a honey,

Not even a honey-bunny,
Marriages of nowadays are broken by the in-laws of the man,
The termination of the contract signed by the woman;
In whose aspiration not seeing what she has expected
Has to take a divorce,

Not knowing she will add to the number of unmarried women,
Leaving the ratio of marriage to 1 man is to 30 women,
Women are more than men in our generation,
People of nowadays never married for the sake of God,
We’ve shunned the old practices 'n shattered them into flights,
We dug ourselves graves,
To bury our tradition into silence,
With the existence of religious leaders
To dispense in advice to us,
May God guide us on the right path.

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