Monday, October 3, 2016

ODE TO MY MARRIAGE (A Poem) by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

Canary human-birds
Feeding on my marriage sugar and seed
Parrots have crackers to crunch
The poodles tell me noodles
Gossips sleep in stables
Lies arranged on their dining tables,
But no one supposes . . .
I'd know only my marriage they opposed;

Roost upon rails
Dashboard in pails
I waited for years and years
Turned into bacteria
Fungi, and yeast;
Pigs took to pen
Chickens united with hens
Only to defame my ox. . .
Some bestraddle on a fox

As for the camel,
She's been ridden by families--
Any shape they tell does for me;
I smelled my marriage knowing she's meant for me
But her family got a snake lumpy
And bumpy and humpy,

As the night grew more dreary
Trampling drums of my marriage sounded nearer
The storm grew loud apace
In the scowl of heaven each face
O Lady Sowe, thee!
Haste, she cries
Through tempest meeting the ranging of the skies
But not an angry father she has
She has a caring mother;

Enemies make-believe them stormy land
Crafted with the human hand
Twain vain: the return of aid preventing
And she was left lamenting
But I'll forgive your highland chief
And love your mother
 For enemies and their mischief.

In memory of my most beloved woman (2014-2018)

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