Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Message ( A Poem )

Am born an Arab-African-Gambian

But a global citizen by nationality

Chinua Achebe died during my birth

How can the Gambia shine above Senegal?

Ask the Touba mosque why.

We are surrounded on three sides by water

 As Serign Bamba Touba

All great men are born great with misfortunes

Mine is the worst because am born a fool


Shakespeare used a sword

But ask him who owns the throne

He is Isa and not Jesus

He is not a son of God

 Don’t put him in Hell

Let the message be clear

There is only One God;

Zakir Naik preaches justice

But ask him which tongue is just

Islam is a true religion

 Embrace it with joy

Lucifer is Satan

Baphomet and lluminatti

But he knows who I am

African integration is rest in the nest of a man

Ignorant and underestimated

 But born with wisdom

It takes an extraordinary challenge for an ordinary man to be extraordinary

The trials of the ‘’Dajjaal’’ will soon come to you

Remember the secret; Suratul Khaf is always your refuge

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was the last prophet

Let not Ghulam Ahmad deceive the Ahmadiyyas

Tell all idol worshippers that there is only one God-- Allah.

Tell Egyptians that their pyramid is not a place for idol worshipping

Let my message be heard 

Tell Jehovah to convert before he dies

Tell the Diva that God is alone on His Throne

Let the King of Pop tell you what he is currently undergoing

Tell all greedy presidents on earth that power rules power

Tell all your great writers' to write a book like the Holy Qur'an

Tell your so-called scientists to discover a cure for death

With all the resources and the talent;

Why should Africa be underdeveloping?

Let my message be clear

I am nothing but only a poor slave of Allah.

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